What are some useful tools to use when setting up a sales funnel?

7 min readJun 29, 2024


If you have been wondering about some useful tools for setting up your sales funnel, then this guide will be your breakthrough.

It’s no secret that a sales funnel is a useful element when it comes to making major sales online, and that is why my best all-in-one tool that has all the steps needed for a successful sales funnel is systeme.io.

Oh yes, I will still talk about some other requirements and tools in this guide that you can use in all aspects of creating your sales funnel from beginning to end.

But if you’re someone like me who hates opening one browser tab after another and moving from one tool/platform to another, then you will understand why I prefer systeme.io.

It's a tool that combines all the features of the tools I will be listing below and even offers a free plan for those who might want to test it out.

Before I go further to explain the requirements and tools to set up a successful sales funnel, you can click here to try out systeme.io without wasting your time.

Now that I have made life easy for you by telling you the tool I use for my all-in-one sales funnel, let me now inform you of the tools I used before I was exposed to systeme.io.

Sales Funnel Requirements With The Needed Tools

Below are some affordable tools that you can use to set up your sales funnel, and the fun part is that these tools also offer free and paid plans.

1. Page Builder (Elementor)

You need a page builder like Elementor to build your landing and sales pages.

This is a WordPress tool that consists of drag-and-drop elements that can help you design an easy-scroll page.

It also has ready-made templates that you can model after and easily edit to your satisfaction. Elementor is an easy-to-use software even for beginners.

You can use it to create opt-in pages, landing and sales pages, confirmation pages, checkout pages, and many others.

It comes with free and paid plans. With the free plan, you can still set up a good sales funnel.

However, the paid plan comes with a lot of advanced templates that can serve you much better and allow you to access more features.

Although the templates in systeme.io are still more awesome and converting compared to those of Elementor.

2. Video Hosting (Vimeo/YouTube)

You need to host videos when it comes to creating a converting sales funnel.

A presentation video explaining what you're about to sell will help your visitors understand what you're pitching to them.

Videos in a sales funnel have been said to increase conversion rates by an extra 30% from the normal conversion rate of a sales funnel.

You can easily hire a freelancer to create a presentation video for your sales funnel.

However, you need to host this video on a platform and then upload or share the URL on your Elementor page builder.

You can use Vimeo to host your video for better presentation. You can also use YouTube to host your video.

It's just that YouTube sometimes shows related videos under the video, which is why I recommend using Vimeo.

Vimeo is free to use; however, they have a paid plan that gives you more usage and capacity to accommodate more videos under a single account.

Systeme.io has this feature also, which is why I migrated to it.

3. Email Marketing (ConvertKit)

One of the determinants of a successful sales funnel is the ability to have email follow-ups at the end of every process.

You need to have an email autoresponder, and the one I recommend is ConvertKit because it has good deliverability compared to other email autoresponders.

With ConvertKit, you can schedule your emails for the audience who input their email addresses on your opt-in page and didn't immediately make a purchase.

You can use this to follow up with them and keep sending them reminder emails and encouraging emails, which will keep sending them back to your sales page until they make the final purchase.

If you ask any successful marketer on the internet today, they will tell you one of their best arsenals in selling is through their email follow-ups.

The reason is that among every 100 people who land on your sales page, if you're able to convert 20 to buy, then your sales page is superb and well-converting.

Now, what will happen to the other 80 who didn't take action or buy? Will you just leave them?

No, you need to follow up with them and make them buy. That's where email marketing comes in.

You can use ConvertKit for this; however, systeme.io also has this email feature in it, meaning you won't have to keep jumping from Elementor to ConvertKit when you can have everything under one platform like systeme.io.

4. Payment Integration (PayPal/Stripe)

You need to integrate your payment system into your page builder, whether it's Elementor or systeme.io (which I use).

This is how you will be able to receive payments after your audience makes a purchase.

Most page builders only support PayPal and Stripe, which is why I added them here.

However, a sales funnel tool like systeme.io not only supports PayPal and Stripe but also Payoneer, ACH, bank transfers, and several other payment methods.

This has helped me increase my conversion rate, especially with customers who might have issues paying with PayPal or Stripe when they want to make a purchase.

As someone who sells courses frequently, I need to have multiple payment systems so I don't lose out on students who want to buy my course. Do you follow?

5. Graphics (Canva)

For graphics, which you will need for your sales page and funnel, a tool like Canva is essential to get non-copyrighted photos to use on your sales page.

You can also use Canva to create beautiful graphics and mockups for your products rather than hiring expensive graphic designers on Upwork or Fiverr.

These are the tools you will need, and if I think of any others in the future, I will update this guide.

However, instead of jumping from one platform to another and subscribing to multiple paid plans, consider my best alternative.

Best Alternative To Them All For FREE

As you know, my best alternative is systeme.io. Before I was introduced to systeme.io, I spent nothing less than $750 monthly on sales tools ranging from email tools, page builders, video hosting, and paying people to manage these marketing tools for me. I know some who pay even more than me.

But now that I have all my marketing tools under a single dashboard with systeme.io, I don't even spend up to $100 monthly to generate my regular $11,000 monthly from my sales funnels.

I know it's small, but I am getting to the point of making $1 million monthly. It's a gradual process.

Here's the pricing plan below, and it also comes with a free plan for beginners who don't have money to invest in any marketing tools.

It still has many more features...click link to check out https://digitalproductsmonk.com/systeme-io

Even if you earn more than me, if you haven't used systeme.io, consider using it because it will save you a lot of money spent on marketing tools. I can guarantee that.

I know several marketers who used to spend over $5000 monthly on marketing tools and now spend less than $500 using systeme.io.


Other features of systeme.io aside from the ones above for your complete marketing sales funnels include:

  • Course Hosting: To host your online course or any video you want to host.
  • Affiliate Program Launching: In case you want to hire affiliates to promote your offer. You can host it on systeme.io, and they can create accounts and make sales for you while you keep making sales without any effort.
  • Daily Updates: Compared to other tools that become obsolete, systeme.io’s admin, developers, and workforce always bring new updates that make marketing easy for their users.

Why I Chose systeme.io and Not Others Like ClickFunnels

Below are the extra reasons why I chose systeme.io, even though it is the most affordable among all sales funnel tools.

  • Blog Sites: You can write and publish articles that will rank on Google on systeme.io because it has a good SEO score.
  • Affordable Email Marketing: Yes, compared to other funnel tools that don’t have email autoresponders, systeme.io comes with a free and affordable email marketing feature.
  • Affordable Fee and Free Plan: It makes it easy for anyone, even a newbie or non-tech-savvy individual, to become a sales funnel professional with the free and affordable plans.
  • More Positive Reviews: There are a lot of positive reviews from people regarding this tool because of its amazing features.
  • Newbies Launching Courses and Products Easily: Many newbies now find it easy to launch courses and make money with ease.
  • Evergreen Webinar: It also comes with an evergreen webinar to boost your sales funnel conversion.
  • Membership Site: In case you want a membership-type offer where people pay you monthly, you can host such a program on systeme.io.
  • Community Development: It also comes with a community feature where you can have your private audience or paid students interact easily and ask questions.

Final Thoughts

I am sure with this guide, you have learned about some interesting tools that you can easily use to create a successful sales funnel.

Also, you have learned about my secret tool, which I have been using to make consistent progress in my marketing skills just from a single dashboard rather than jumping from page to page and getting confused about what to do next.

If you’re still on the fence, you can come down now and click here to register an account with systeme.io and join me in eliminating the need to pay for over six tools just to create a sales funnel and have everything under a single dashboard.





Let's talk Internet Marketing | It's part of the air I breathe and stuff I think 24/7. I'm here to help. Call me "Maverick" 😘