
A Document to Save America

Jamie Walter
7 min readJun 3, 2020

America is in grave danger of dividing violently against itself. But there are ways to save Our Great Nation. We must first uncover what is pitting us against each other, then reform that critical problem as a whole. We must support each other in every way that we can, as we are all fighting against the same evil, no matter what walks of life we are from.

We are all fighting to keep Our Great Nation alive.

Broken System

Our Great Nation has prided itself on our governing system, a system that came from brilliant minds in 1787. But it is no longer 1787, and some of their solutions have failed The People. As a Nation, we have grown, we have grown powerful and advanced. The constitution is no longer the best form of government for The People, flaws that were not relevant in 1787 now affect daily lives. Our Great nation deserves better, The People deserve better.

In George Washington’s Farewell Address, he warns against the forming of Political Parties, a warning that was forgotten by our leaders soon after his death. He warns that in Political Parties, there will be a vengeful spirit fueled by the desire to dominate. Washington specifically warns that Political Parties could very well lead to the failure of Checks and Balances, lead to one leader more powerful than the rest, lead us back to Tyranny.

“The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.” — George Washington

But sadly, this is not the only consequence of Political Parties. There has become a loyalty amongst the people, amongst the media, amongst the other Branches of Government. This loyalty has led people to vote for a candidate that they don’t believe in, it has led the media to ignore certain truths for the enjoyment of their viewers, and it has led to unbalance in the Separation of Powers. Political loyalty has led to the failure of Checks and Balances.

Checks and Balances is the most important factor in keeping Our Great Nation from becoming corrupt, but we have failed ourselves. The Executive Branch is far more powerful than the Legislative and Judicial Branches, it practically controls them. This is not an attack against any specific President, this is a much deeper issue than one person, an issue that has been ignored for hundreds of years. Political Parties have caused injustice amongst The Central Government. Political Parties have made it impossible to improve Our Great Nation because of our inability to work together. It has led police to have more power than elected officials.

On May 28, 2020, at the Barclays Center protest, Senator Zellnor Y. Myrie and Assemblywoman Diana C. Richardson were pepper-sprayed and handcuffed as they peacefully protested. This was not a mistake by the police officers who arrested them since Senator Myrie was wearing a bright yellow shirt with his name and position written in bold letters, evident from photos posted to Social Media by Myrie himself. They are not the only case of police brutality against elected officials. Another occurrence with Democratic Rep. Joyce Beatty and Columbus City Council President Shannon Hardin, when while they were peacefully protesting, they saw a cop using unnecessary force against the peaceful protesters, and tried to deescalate the situation when they were maced by the police. There is video evidence of this happening.

Because of this power that the Executive Branch has over all others, they have certain privileges that they should not. One of these privileges in the amount of money and advanced technology they are given. Police Officers are given full military gear, gas masks, chemical weapons, and several more things to ‘maintain peace’ at peaceful protests, while doctors and nurses were given cheap masks and sometimes had to use trash bags to protect themselves from an extremely infections virus spreading around the globe.


In the First Amendment, it is specified that there must be Freedom of Press. This is a way to ‘check’ The Central Government because The People were meant to be in charge of the Nation. The Press was meant to report to The People everything that was happening in their government, positive or negative. It was to remain truthful for the good of The People. But that did not happen. Once Political Parties rose, the media became biased. Press began to hide details from, tell half-truths, and lie to The People to satisfy their political opinions. The Media is no longer working for The People, but instead, the government.

The Press is now working against The People in these uncertain times, where truthful information is needed more than ever. The Media has shown The People images of police kneeling with protesters, but they do not show what happens an hour after the photo is taken. They spread lies and propaganda to convince Our Great Nation that nothing is wrong, to hide the corruption in The Executive Branch. The Media shows videos of peaceful protests turned violent and riots, where numerous people are hurt. But they do not show the police brutality sparking most of the violence. It is The Press’s duty to report both sides, to inform The People of the wrong-doings of protesters and the wrong-doings of police. They have failed Our Great Nation.

The only reliable source left is Social Media. Social Media is keeping The People informed on what happens at these protests turned violent through videos and images. Video evidence of police baiting protesters and using unnecessary force against them. Videos of them violently arresting innocent people who are simply walking, violently arresting people who aren’t protesting. There are no videos from the body cameras police are meant to wear. They refuse to wear them to hide their cruelty against The People. These corrupt police are massacring The People for using their first amendment rights, the right of Peaceful Protests, and the right of Free Speech. The police are viciously attacking The People at these protests, no matter the color of their skin, no matter their sex, no matter how peaceful the protesters are. For the first time, Caucasians are experiencing the treatment that African Americans have for hundreds of years.


The Government is in desperate need of reformation for Our Great Nation to thrive. As stated before, The Executive Branch has gained too much power over the years, power taken from The People. For our Government to work as The Constitution intended it to, all branches of Government must be equal. The President should be looked upon as equal to Congressmen and Congresswomen, equal to The Judges sitting in The Supreme Court, even equal to the Elected Officials of The States. That is what gives the system of Checks and Balances its power, which gives The People the power to control who they elect. Most Americans care much less about electing their Congressional Representatives, they choose to vote for someone they don’t know, someone whose values could be the opposite of what The People want, only because of their Political Party.

For Our Great Nation to stay Our Great Nation, we must abolish Political Parties. They have torn The Nation in half, allowing The People to be blinded to the rising power of The Executive Branch. Our Great Nation is fighting against itself and we must come together to save it.

But this isn’t the only thing that needs to happen. To reform The Constitution, we need to update The Powers between The State and The Central Government. One prime example of this is the Education System. Education is a lot more important than it was when The Constitution was written. To ensure The People are well-educated and taught the same lessons nationwide, Education needs to be mainly under the control of The Central Government.

If The People do not reform The Constitution, Our Great Nation will dissolve into chaos and ruin. Maybe not now, but it will happen. We owe it to ourselves and our future generations to fix the flaws turning The People against each other. We owe it to our Founding Fathers to keep their ideals alive, to keep Our Great Nation alive. The world changes every 100 years, and the governing system needs to change to best serve The People of that time. The Civil War started near 100 years after Our Great Nation was formed. It has been another 150 since then, and once again, The People are turned against each other.


Our government is too far gone now to accept the necessity of reformation, instead, We The People must rise against them and save Our Great Nation. We need a Revolution. Whether peaceful or violent, The People need to force change upon our government. The People should follow in the footsteps of our Founding Fathers, and do everything in our power to keep from more bloodshed. But we can’t only protest. The People need a group of educated and passionate leaders to come together and write a petition, just like our Founding Fathers. The People need that group of educated and passionate individuals to lead us into a new era of improvement to our governing system. The People need a new group of leaders to guide us through these trying times and to save Our Great Nation.

