Published inProAndroidDevUsing Firebase In-App-Messaging on an Android appThe many was to trigger and customize messagesJul 10, 20201Jul 10, 20201
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Firebase News: April 26th — May 09th?This is Article 02 of “Firebase News” — a series of articles where you can find the most recent news from the Firebase World. A new…May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
Published inFirebase DevelopersFirebase Auth + One Tap UI on AndroidLearn how to implement One Tap sign-in and sign-up on your existing Firebase Android appApr 29, 20201Apr 29, 20201
Kotlin Extension Functions e Coroutines no FirebaseComo tirar vantagem da linguagem Kotlin quando usa o FirebaseApr 9, 2019Apr 9, 2019
Published inGDG MaputoExplorando o ML Kit for FirebaseParte 2 — Linguagem Natural e Identificação de LinguagemFeb 1, 2019Feb 1, 2019
Published inGDG MaputoFirebase Cloud Functions — Pesquisa de Texto na Base de dadosAlgolia & ElasticSearch vs TochaJan 31, 20194Jan 31, 20194
Published inGDG MaputoComo funcionam as regras de segurança do Firebase na Realtime Database?Parte 4 — Testes UnitáriosOct 29, 2018Oct 29, 2018
Published inGDG MaputoApresentando o fireXtensionsMudando a forma como você utiliza o Firebase no AndroidSep 5, 2018Sep 5, 2018