The truth about money that we don’t want to hear

4 min readMay 5, 2020

I need it, You need it, they need it, we all need it. Yes, I am talking about MONEY aka Mullah, aka Doh!

If you are an actual human, not a robot, chances are you have come across statements like ‘money is not everything’ or ‘money can’t buy happiness’ or ‘money can’t buy love’ or ‘money is the beginning of all evils’ yada yada yada.


Here is what I think, I think we should cut the crap and flush that money shit-talking down the toilet!

Why you ask? Okay first of all, money may not be everything but it is actually the thing! You don’t think so? Cool, how about this, when Corona was declared a global pandemic and lockdowns started being imposed right left and centre, malls were flooded, grocery stalls were jammed, retail shops were congested, and supermarkets were overflowing with humans scrambling for provisions to stock in their homes. The question here is, what was used to do these buyings, stones? No shit, money!

Debunking the money myths

  • So money can’t buy health? But can it buy a health insurance though? While the ‘non-monied’ have to be hurled in police cars from the streets and be forced into quarantine in Lenana school or KMTC or those other government isolation centers, the ‘monied’ rings AAR, or Jubilee, or Britam or whichever insurance company they are covered by from the comforts of their homes and are air lifted to Aghakhan hospital, Nairobi hospital, The Karen Hospital and the likes on to VIP, Private, isolation rooms and are tended to with care like newborn babies.
  • Money can’t buy hapiness? Well, so does being broke. And actually, in my world, money can buy happiness. How? See, happiness to me involves memories; like traveling with those you love, having occassional get together parties with loved ones, being able to provide comfortably for those you love and such. Last time I checked, all these things cost money.
  • Money can’t buy you love. Mmh.. should I even speak on this? Let me just say whoever said ‘no romance without finance’ was definitely sober. But also let me ask, have you ever tried to date or even gone for one freaking date while broke? Yeah, me too. You know how that went down. Now imagine getting married and trying to raise a family! Sirikali saidia will be your anthem. Your kid sneezes, sirikali saidia; wife got a diarrhoea, sirikali saidia…And so on and so forth.
  • Money is the beggining of all evils? Well, I don’t know about you but I don’t think young, beautiful and full of potential girls parade themselves on Koinange street because they are so rich they want to show it off. Neither do I think young men in the ghettos carry guns and matchetes in the darkness robbing and slaughtering their fellow brothers and sisters for money because they are so rich. Money does not tell people to go out there and be evil. Evil people are just evil.

Now, while I acknowledge that we can not all be equally rich or have equal amounts of money, I want to point out that no money is small money. Big money sprouts from small money. All we need to do is learn how to save. Yes, I am aware of people earning hundreds of thousands per month but when the contracts ended/ lost their jobs they were struggling to sustain themselves. Why? Because they wanted the big life too soon, they had no saving skills, they thought they were too young to invest and so on.

I am also aware of people who makes a few thousands a month who not even this corona lockdown could shake them. Why? They disciplined themselves to live within their means, they adopted a habit of saving before spending, they dream, speak, and walk investment. So when the rainy day eventually hit they were sheltered under the umbrella of their savings.

At the end of the day, many people have the IQ that’s enough to earn them big moneys but have low to no EQ to guide their spending habits and these people ends up very miserable.

Let’s adopt a healthy attitude towards money because no matter how much we try to comfort our egos that money isn’t everything, the truth remains that money matters.

Respect money and money will respect you!

Money EQ is more important than money IQ”




I am an enthusiastic writer. A media personality by profession, a citizen of the world and I love life. You don't like hard truth? You won't like me either😅