Maryam Hasnaa
13 min readOct 28, 2015

Awakening abundance

The concept of all-sufficiency was an essential knowing in all ancient teachings of self-knowledge. The ancients understood that knowing oneself meant knowing that the divine energy that creates worlds, exists within each of us and can manifest any vision held in our consciousness. Students of the mysteries were initiated into the teachings of magnetic powers or what many have to come refer to as, the laws of attraction. By working with these divine unseen forces once could magnetize or call forth whatever was needed to be used for good will. Thus money as an exchange was a token of integrity and inner harmony. Christ said, but if you will not know yourself then you will dwell in poverty and it is you who is that poverty. These esoteric teachings speak to our ability to transform vision into form. Knowledge of thought form energy and the Spirit of creation were combined as the primary principles of manifestation.

A shift in consciousness began shortly after, where the awareness of the innate powers of the individual were censored and attacked and the dogma of outer authority entered. During these Dark Ages, institutions assumed control over independent thinking and creative expression. Members of secret societies who understood the sacred teachings were known to transcend the limitations of the physical world through spiritual awakening and the dedication to freedom, love, truth, wisdom and service. With the transcendental movement, esoteric teachings and mysteries again blossomed and unfolded in waves. Yet we are only just beginning again to understand the messages of infinite abundance and boundless wealth that is our divine birthright.

But this, I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give not grudgingly, or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever. Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness. — -Corinthians

Many spiritualists may believe that a conversation about wealth has no place on a spiritual path. Yet the earliest teachings clearly state that denying the wealth of creation would be denying oneself, as we are the individual expression of the richness of the universe. These are the key messages that we each have to learn in order to tap into the highest potential of our path. These fundamental truths can free us from any perceived lack or limitation be it circumstance, experience or person that seems to standing on our way and create a world full of miracles. The outer world of form is simply the reflection of our inner world of thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and feelings. Our own consciousness determines the outcome. Do you have any limiting beliefs about abundance and prosperity? Do you have beliefs that tell you that wealth is bad or that only certain people deserve wealth? These beliefs will play a major role in your ability to either block or allow the flow of abundance to show up in your experiences.

There is a presence that exists within each of us. The greater our awareness of this presence and the more we are able to honor it, the greater the presence will fill us with divine light. The more pure our intention and aligned with the divine will, the more we will be able to receive abundantly. Our imagination is the tool that the universal mind uses to draw potential possibilities into our physical mind. Our gut offers us hunches as way of translating ideas of what can be brought forth. The brain is capable of both transmitting and receiving energy in the form of ideas. These ideas are always gently directing us towards the ways we are able to use this creative energy.

The Source within is always aligned with abundance as its true nature. The creative energy of this abundance is always flowing and seeking to appear in the world of form. This flow is expressed through us as the channel filtered through our dominant thoughts and beliefs which color the expression. The form the creative energy takes is the effect. When the flow is uninterrupted it can be made manifest in infinite possibilities. By focusing on the outer expression of the creative forces however we direct our attention away from the true source and we give the material form (effect) our power. We must always be aware of the source of all outward expression as this keeps the door open and the inspiration flowing, otherwise we cut off the flow. Each soul must learn this in one lifetime or another. Otherwise we will keep creating apparent lack and limitation. In other words, this entire experience is an illusion, a hologram or as Alan Watts referred to it, a weaving of smoke. We must not give our power to the illusion or else we cut off the source of our ability to create and cause a separation from the consciousness of the Source within. Turn your focus inward away from the outer drama and reconnect with the divine flow that exists within each of us. Recognize that you are Gods highest creation.

Spiritual Practices for tuning into abundance.

Declaration: I release my attachment to the outer world of form and view the material world as the effect of my inner beliefs, thoughts, and feelings.

Affirmation: I accept that abundance is my natural state of being. I am abundantly provided for as I follow my heart’s desire and my intuition. I am always supplied with whatever I need, whenever I need it. I am an open channel for receiving limitless abundance. The abundance of the universe flows into this world through me. I am consciously tuning in to the abundance around me. I am open to receiving the abundance of life. I believe in the infinite boundless abundance of the universe. I now have all the resources I need to create unlimited wealth and abundance in my life. Today I reclaim the abundance that is my divine birthright. With every breath I take I am drawing more abundance into my life.

Cultivating your energy field: Your thoughts, ideas, beliefs and feelings about abundance and prosperity will likely need to be refined or reprogrammed. Many of us are still carrying the energy of experiences that were created from the transmission of limited thoughts and beliefs that reflect the lack consciousness of our current society. We all have a long list of should’s and shouldn’ts and thus the emotions associated with these unfavored outcomes may be stuck in our electromagnetic field. This energy continues to draw more of those experiences to us like a magnet. When your mind worries incessantly about negative thoughts allow let them pass by like clouds. Declare: I am willing to let go of the energy of the pattern that created this experience.

With higher vibrational thinking we are naturally able see more situations in our life with possible positive outcomes. We can become aware of these thoughts and replace them individually with the use of affirmations. Instead of thinking of wealth as evil, greedy, selfish or exploitative, tune into the spiritual expression of wealth such as good will, benevolence, generosity, service and freedom. By training your body-mind to increase its vibration and then using that higher vibration to focus on your most desired outcome, you will become a super charged manifesting magnet for what you want.

Gratitude: The vibration of gratitude is the fastest way to raise your vibration in order to align with abundance. The more you are grateful for what you have the more you signal to the universe that you are ready to receive more. The fastest way to attract abundance is to realize that you already have everything you need. From a metaphysical perspective every possibility we can imagine is here for us, we may just not be experiencing it currently. We can learn to use the power of imagination and focused intention to draw it into our current experience. The belief that we already have everything makes the process easy and often fun. Studies show that we can deliberately cultivate gratitude and can increase our well-being and happiness by doing so. Expressing it to others is associated with increased energy, optimism, and empathy. Keep a gratitude journal where you list several things each day that you are grateful for. Write a letter to someone whom you have never properly thanked. Then read the letter to that person, preferably in person. This could be an excellent tradition.

Generosity: Remember that although there is one Source of the flow of abundance, this flow can take on many forms in the material realm. Until we reach the level of consciousness where we can instantly manifest anything we wish into physical matter, often the flow of abundance will connect to us through other souls on the planet as an exchange. Learning how to partake in balanced energy exchanges with others is a beautiful practice. The shadow side of generosity can be over giving. Whereas hoarding or selfishness can be an obvious expression of lack, over giving may tend to be overlooked, yet is equally detrimental to the flow of abundance. It can often be a symptom of an apparent lack of self-worth. We may undervalue our own personal life force and be in the habit of putting others needs before our own. Over givers naturally attract those who are takers or unable to reciprocate as a reflection of this unhealed karmic soul wound. When we seek approval of others through our generosity this can often create adverse effects. When we are truly being generous from an abundant heart the energy of the action is infused with pure intention and the outcome will be reciprocated energy. Give yourself permission to learn to fill up your own cup and then to support others from the overflow.

Receiving: Start each day with the following visualization to connect to the potential of your abundant future: Imagine a beautiful warm healing light washing through you and carrying away any cares from the previous day. Imagine every cell your body becoming aware of its innate potential. Think of each of these cells waking up and filling up with this light. Think of all of the abundance that we are surrounded by. You are a part of it and it is a part of you. Imagine that all this abundance is available to you. This is all truth. The perpetual transmutation of energy flows through you. You have the ability to give it form. Imagine your awareness expanding and that you are doing exactly that you love most. Imagine what it would feel like to be doing what you dream of every moment of your day. Bring all of your emotions into it, add as much detail as possible. This conscious awareness is now waiting to manifest. You are in harmony with the universal law. Feel an aliveness and the creative flow that exists within in. Take this feeling forth with you into you day. Repeat this visualization for 40 days.

Intuition: Make sure that you are choosing to align with the abundance in the universe that truly comes from the relationship you have cultivated with your inner being. Let go of the ideas, beliefs and expectations that society, culture, or others have projected onto you. In order to remember who you are, first you need to forget everything you were told about who you are. Until you remove the veil of these systems that are keeping you stuck you will find it most difficult to connect with your own inner desires. You will be manifesting experiences that leave you unfulfilled because they do not speak to your inner truths. When you let go of the need to be a people pleaser and begin to live for from a place a wholeness you realize that following your dreams actually is a beautiful blessing that you can offer to the planet. Every new desire that you give birth to serves all of creation. And this is so.

Wealth Chi: Allow the energy of wealth into your home. Your house needs it in order to be able to attract prosperity and this starts with the front door, called the Mouth of Chi. Protect your front door, if necessary, with feng shui symbols of protection, abundance and good luck. Your home must be free of clutter if you wish to allow the energy of prosperity to flow freely. The area connected to your money, or financial prosperity and abundance, is the Southeast area of your home or office. Adorn this area with symbols that represent your desires or build an altar around this area to amplify the energy. A popular stone to decorate with is Pyrite.

In feng shui, water also represents money. For this reason, indoor water fountains are recommended because they circulate prosperity energy in the home. Conversely, the bathroom can cause problems because water is escaping down the drains and the toilet every day. The old adage “Don’t flush your money down the toilet” couldn’t be truer from a feng shui perspective. Always close the lid on your toilet before flushing. This prevents energy from being drained from your space. Place a small bowl overflowing with fruit on a kitchen table. The stove has a direct connection to wealth so make sure to keep your stove in good working condition and keep them very clean.

Create: It’s most important to set the right tone for the life that you want to create. Taking the time to get into alignment so that you may hear your inner guidance is the basis for everything that you wish to bring forth. Once you have aligned with your soul, removed any blocks, tapped into your power, identified your hearts desires, called on the support of Spirit and the energy that creates worlds then it is time to take inspired action. Then you can begin to consciously materialize all of the energies that you are now growing within you into their highest expression. My relationship with Source/God/the Most High/Spirit/The Universe/Love is the foundation for everything that I wish to experience in life. I learned that Miracles are easy. They simply require a shift in perspective within the quantum field of possibilities.

There is a certain amount of activation energy required to propel you into taking the action required to bring your ideas to fruition. When an idea bubbles up from the superconscious mind you have a few minutes to follow the impulse and take action before the idea is killed. Even the smallest action can be the turning point. Allow the universe to align the details, the people, and the opportunities for how the end vision will line up and come together serendipitously. Also be open to the possibility that something better can actually show up for you. I always end my daily morning rituals with, let this or something better come into my experience, and so it is. I allow myself to feel the energy of what’s coming and speak of it as if it’s already here, even though it may not have “shown up” yet. I follow my intuition and I know there is no shortage of opportunities. That which we seek is seeking us. Our higher self knows how to make it happen.

Magic Corner

There are so many magical practices that are connected to opening up the frequency of Abundance. This month our resonance apothecary kits contained items that included oranges which are known to attract the energy of luck in many various cultures. Many traditional herbs and spices that are found in your kitchen can be used to call in the energy of abundance. Allspice us known for bringing luck and attracting wealth. Cinnamon is brings success, health, and even enhances psychic powers. Cloves can help to clear away negative experiences. You can add these items to your daily cooking, sprinkle them around the home or carry them in a satchel or even in your wallet to enhance your intentions. All of the items in this month’s tool kit will be filled with these rich scents any many more. For those interested in receiving this months magical box focused on Abundance please email

Known by most as Halloween, the pagan holiday Samhain is a time when the veil between the seen and the unseen is the thinnest. The ancients believed this was the spiritual new year and the best time to set the intentions for the new cycle of creation and manifestation along with calling in the assistance of our spiritual ancestors or guides. The goddess energy of Samhain is the Crone who teaches us that letting go is a natural part of the process. The three days surrounding this time are the most potent for divination and looking between worlds towards the future possibilities. Samhain is considered the best time for the assessment if what needs to be let go, what habits need to be changed, what practices do not work, what relationships are not serving us and in general to surrender anything that is not helping is attain our highest purpose. This letting go can be such a beautiful way of welcoming in so much more abundance in all areas that have been stagnant in our lives.

Healers Circle.

Welcome to a new addition to the Vibrational Medicine newsletter. We will be introducing you to the various healers that are a part of our community each month. We hope that those of you who are seeking deeper levels of support and guidance on your path are aware of the wealth of dedicated and talented souls who came here to share their gifts. Many of you have worked directly with Hasnaa in private sessions as an intuitive guide and metaphysical teacher. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with this amazing women who is a beloved member of our soul family.

I am Tasha, a meditation Teacher, Reiki Master & Intuitive Healer. i work with people who are seeking deeper truth and meaning to their lives by helping them discover their innate power, connect to their inner compass and trust their hearts truth. As an intuitive healer, my preference is to merge and mix different modalities and whatever else drops in based on your own intentions for healing. I am able to connect with the messages, guidance and feelings your soul is expressing during my soul to soul readings.

Reiki Master

Certificate in Meditation Teaching

Egyptian Reiki Healer & Teacher

Theta Healing Advanced DNA

Certificate in Holistic Counseling

Thought Field Therapy

Cellular Memory integration

Please contact her to book a reading with her or to inquire about her distance healing sessions.

THANK YOU all for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for next month as we dive into teachings about soul agreements, Soul contracts, twin flames, how to heal your heart from a soul mate connection and how to attract soul mates. We know you will love what we have to share.

Maryam Hasnaa

do you have stars in your mouth. yes I tell him, come see. Will i die, he asked. yes, i tell him. every time.