Streamlining Development: A Comprehensive Introduction to CI/CD Practices

Thathsarani Wickramaarachchi
4 min readFeb 11, 2024


Buckle up, developers! In the ever-evolving landscape of software engineering, mastering the art of CI/CD is your passport to faster, more efficient development cycles.

What is CI/CD?

CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery which is a software development practice of automating the integration of code changes from multiple developers into a single codebase. CI accommodates automatically building, testing, and integrating code changes with a shared repository. Through CD code changes can be automatically delivered to a production-ready environment for approval. Sometimes CD can stand for Continuous Deployment as well which is automatically deploying code changes to customers directly. But in a real-life situation, the CI/CD process stops at developers pushing changes to production as a manual sign-off is needed before the final release.

What is Continuous Integration (CI)?

CI is an automated process for developers that facilitates more frequent integration of code changes into a shared branch. This involves triggering automated testing steps to ensure the reliability of the merged code changes.

Successful CI implies that once a developer’s changes are merged, the changes are validated through a series of automated tests, including building the application and running various levels of automated testing, such as unit and integration tests. This thorough testing covers everything from basic code elements like classes and functions to the entire application. If conflicts between new and existing code are identified during automated testing, CI streamlines the process of promptly and frequently addressing those bugs.

What is Continuous Delivery (CD)?

CD automates the release of validated code to a repository following the automation of builds and unit and integration testing in CI. For an effective continuous delivery process, it is crucial to have CI integrated into the development pipeline. In CD, every stage, from merging code changes to delivering production-ready builds, incorporates test automation and code release automation. Ultimately, the operations team can swiftly deploy an app to production. CD ensures that a developer’s changes are automatically tested for bugs and uploaded to a repository, making them ready for deployment to a production environment with minimal effort. It addresses challenges related to visibility and communication between development and business teams, aiming to maintain a codebase consistently prepared for deployment.

CI/CD Pipeline

CI/CD concept is utilized to form the CI/CD pipeline which is a series of automated workflows that perform continuous integration to delivery.

Why do we need CI/CD?

In contemporary application development, the aim is to enable multiple developers to collaborate on different features of the same app simultaneously. However, if an organization picks a single day to merge all branching source code, the process becomes tedious and time-consuming. This is due to the potential conflicts that may arise when individual developers, make changes to the application concurrently with others. The challenge can be amplified when developers use personalized IDEs instead of utilizing a unified cloud-based IDE for the team.

But with CI/CD automation organizations can avoid bugs and code failures while maintaining a continuous cycle of software development and updates.

Automated, continuous testing ensures that codebases remain stable and release-ready at any time.

As applications expand in complexity, the functionalities of CI/CD play a role in reducing that complexity, enhancing efficiency, and simplifying processes.

By automating the manual human steps usually required to move new code from a commit to production, CI/CD minimizes downtime and accelerates code releases.

The capability to promptly integrate updates and code changes allows for more frequent and effective integration of user feedback, versus waiting for one release, leading to positive outcomes for users and overall increased customer satisfaction.

Freed up from manual tasks, organizations can focus resources on innovation and customer satisfaction.

Aspects of an Effective CI/CD Workflow

Automation — Automating builds, testing, and deployment

Transparency — Logs, visual workflow builders, and deeply integrated tooling make it easier for developers to troubleshoot and understand complex workflows.

Speed — Good lead time for changes (how quickly commits are made to code in production) and deployment frequency (how often you commit code).

Resilience — Approaches like test coverage, observability tooling, and feature flags make the software more resistant to errors. This stability can be measured by tracking mean time to resolution (how quickly incidents are resolved) and change failure rate (the number of software rollbacks).

Security — Should check for code and permissions, and provide a virtual paper trail for auditing failures, security breaches, and non-compliance events.

Scalability — Should be able to effortlessly expand with growing development teams and project complexities.

CI/CD Tools

  • Tekton Pipelines — A CI/CD framework for Kubernetes
  • Jenkins — Designed to handle anything from a simple CI server to a complete CD hub
  • Spinnaker — A CD platform built for multicloud environments.
  • GoCD — a CI/CD server with an emphasis on modeling and visualization.
  • Concourse
  • Screwdriver

