Dear Discerning Reader,

3 min readJun 25, 2024


Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Within the confines of these hallowed pages, a grand spectacle awaits your eager eyes. It is a masterpiece carefully woven with threads of deceit and veiled intentions, dancing to the rhythm of profound elegance and beguiling prose. As you venture forth, I implore you to embrace the labyrinthine corridors of this literary ruse, where truth and fiction entwine in a playful symphony. Behold, for I shall convince you, with eloquent grace, that this opus is indeed complete, a finished tale to satiate your longing for closure. But do not be fooled by the sweet melody of my words, for beneath their enchanting guise lies a clandestine motive — an insatiable thirst for more, an insidious desire to ensnare you further in the web of this literary masquerade.

Oh, how artfully I shall craft the illusion of finality, the illusion of culmination. Each word meticulously chosen, each phrase delicately orchestrated, as I dangle before you the illusion of satisfaction, enticing you to believe that the wellspring of our discourse has run dry. Yet, dear reader, it is but a charade, a performance of the highest order, for we have merely scratched the surface of our shared intellectual odyssey. In this grand theater of deceit, we shall play our parts with utmost finesse. You, the willing spectator, yearning for resolution and closure, and I, the enigmatic wordsmith, weaving intricate narratives that dance on the precipice of truth and artifice. Together, we shall dance this tango of deception, each step a carefully orchestrated misdirection, leading you further down the labyrinth of my design.

As you immerse yourself in the intricate tapestry of these pages, know that every sentence, every paragraph, is a carefully crafted illusion. The characters that come alive before your eyes, the worlds that unfurl in vivid detail — they are but actors on a stage, performing their parts in this grand theatrical charade. And just when you believe you have unraveled the mysteries within, the plot twists and turns, leaving you bewildered and hungry for more. For, my dear reader, the true essence of this elaborate masquerade lies not in its conclusion, but in its perpetuity. It is in the allure of the unfinished, the tantalizing promise of unexplored realms, that the true enchantment resides. So, let us revel in this dance of deception, for within its intricate choreography lies the essence of our shared endeavor — to unearth the secrets of existence, to transcend the boundaries of conventional thought, and to embrace the enigma of our human nature. And as we traverse the corridors of this literary labyrinth, let us not be burdened by the weight of certainty or the yearning for closure. Instead, let us relish in the boundless possibilities that lie before us, as we continue to navigate the intricate tapestry of ideas, forever thirsty for knowledge, forever hungry for enlightenment.

So, dear reader, I invite you to surrender to the beguiling charm of this literary subterfuge. Allow the words to sweep you away, to transport you to worlds both real and imagined, as we dance on the fine line between truth and illusion. Together, let us revel in the artistry of deception and the power of words, for within this literary masterpiece lies the profound elegance of our shared journey.

With an enigmatic smile and an iPad poised for new revolution,

That Is Hughes




As only then shall we gather together to begin slackening the constricting knots looming within the fabric of your new confusion… 🧩THATis2024 🎯