I’m A Christian

Eddie Aries
3 min readMay 10, 2023


Let’s go. So I’m a Christian, whatever that means. It means that I have a personal relationship with God, Jesus, same person. It’s my passion, love, life, 100%. The only difficulty I have in admitting, sharing that is that of the baggage the various church groups around the UK have attached to it. A stuffy, clicky representation that stopped evolving hundreds of years ago, and apparently that’s acceptable. “Let’s see this congregation out.” Pretty much every other organisation on the planet is better organised and pioneering, adapting to what’s required for gain, members, customers… and that’s the thing, many of these organisations are for profit or devious gain, and we are meant to be for love and hope! If the “enemy/devil” is a speedboat, modern Christianity is a tug boat, slow, cumbersome, unappealing. The pandemic has shown me every reason not to be a Christian, and every exit. The reason I still am is because God is the single entity that has been by my side throughout. So many of my incredible friends who were once Christians are no longer, and I believe it’s because there’s no infrastructure for growth. I saw Christian youth group as a pier for so many, an incredible experience, then a gigantic drop at the end because there is NOTHING NEXT. Why have an organisation in an area where there is no next step? I’ve seen it cause more damage than good and out of these reasons I was given the vision for Sunday Evening. A community based on infrastructure with doors available IF YOU WISH to explore Christianity. This way around, infrastructure first, instead of a 10% snapshot of what a walk in faith is like then an inadvertent “so long sucker” as you’re given your Bible and pushed into the wilderness with the door closing behind you. During my faith I’ve lost friends, struggled to work with Christian organisations, been turned down by those I’ve fallen in love with due to their dedication to God, been lonelier than ever before and lost most of my money. It’s a hard prospect to recommend when all of the above was successful and possible when not talking to people through a blanket of condition.

I don’t believe Jesus was condition, but rather a rolling tide of relationship that was nothing less than positivity. The last time I felt joy was in September 19 with two non-Christians. It’s because there’s no ulterior motive, they want to be with you because they actually want to, rather than because they’re being paid to or you’re ticking their discipleship mandate. I’m expressing this because I love God and faith, and have been swimming/drowning long enough to begin to see the other side of the channel. I want to share this for those that have experienced similar, that saw a real relationship with God become a conditional burden that was that milestone around your neck after you’d been “shown” a way of life then expected to live it knowing a percent of how to. The most important thing on a walk in faith is that it’s the most real thing you’ll experience, and it’s about YOU and God, not those who “want you to have a faith”. It’s scary, but when you find others surfing that beautiful wave, you’ll be in paradise whatever you’re going through. Stay up brothers and sisters.

Once A Christian

