Polydactyl Cats: The Extra Toed Feline Friends

Tony Timmermans
3 min readFeb 11, 2023

Polydactyl cats, also known as “mitten cats,” are a unique breed that have captivated the hearts of many cat lovers. These felines have extra digits on their paws, giving them a one-of-a-kind appearance that sets them apart from other breeds. If you’re a cat enthusiast, you’ll definitely enjoy learning more about these special cats.

The Mitten Cats: Polydactyl cats are nicknamed “mitten cats” because their extra toes resemble mittens. This physical characteristic is hereditary and is caused by a genetic mutation. The extra toes give these cats a quirky and endearing appearance that has made them popular among cat lovers.

Sailors’ Good Luck Charm: Polydactyl cats have a long history of being popular among sailors. Sailors believed that having a polydactyl cat on board their ship would bring good luck and protect them from storms. This belief was so strong that polydactyl cats became a common sight on ships, where they provided comfort and companionship to the sailors.

Expert Mice Catchers: Polydactyl cats are known for their exceptional hunting skills. With their extra toes, they have a better grip and dexterity, which makes them expert mouse catchers. So, if you have a mouse problem in your home, a polydactyl cat might be just what you need to keep your home mouse-free.

Famous Polydactyl Cats: Hemingway, a six-toed cat who lived with writer Ernest Hemingway, and Theophrastus, Dr. Seuss’s cat, are just two of the famous polydactyl cats that have captured the hearts of many. These cats have a special place in history and continue to be popular among cat lovers today.

American Polydactyl: The American Polydactyl is a breed of cats that is known for its extra toes and friendly personality. These cats are affectionate and interactive, making them ideal pets for families and individuals. They are a popular breed among cat lovers and are known for their exceptional personalities.

Variations in Toe Counts: Polydactyl cats can have anywhere from six to eight toes on each paw, with some cats even having up to ten toes. It’s not uncommon for polydactyl cats to have an odd number of toes on one paw and an even number on another. This variability in toe counts only adds to their uniqueness and makes them even more special.

No Health Concerns: Despite their extra toes, polydactyl cats are not prone to any more health problems than other cats. They are generally healthy and have a lifespan that is similar to that of other cats. With proper care, these felines can live long and happy lives.

Record For Most Toes: One tabby named Jake had 7 toes on each foot, giving him a whopping 28 in all, he holds the record for the most toes on a cat. Jake’s extra toes were likely a result of a genetic mutation, which is common in polydactyl cats. Despite his unusual appearance, Jake was able to live a normal and healthy life, and his extra toes didn’t cause him any problems. This just goes to show how resilient and adaptable cats can be, even with unique physical features.

That’s obviously an extremely rare mutation, as it gave him three additional toes on each hind paw. While Jake was likely an odd-looking feline, we imagine that his differences made him all the more adorable.

In conclusion, polydactyl cats are a unique and fun breed that have captured the hearts of many cat lovers. With their extra toes, friendly personalities, and exceptional hunting skills, they make excellent pets for families and individuals. Whether you’re a cat lover or just looking for a unique pet, polydactyl cats are sure to bring a smile to your face and

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Tony Timmermans

"Empowering success, one idea at a time."