What makes email marketing so special?

Michelle Miles
2 min readAug 2, 2022


Get that permission! / image © 2022 Michelle Miles

It all starts with permission.

Email marketing is based on one simple idea: asking for permission. Your subscribers must grant you their permission before you can send them any marketing messages. That first “Yes!” forms the foundation of a special relationship, one where your subscriber raises their hand and says “I want to hear from you!” When a subscriber takes the time to give you their permission to communicate with them you must establish — and maintain — trust with that person.

Sounds simple, but how? First, let’s define some terms:

What, exactly, is permission and how do you collect it? Permission is explicit and verifiable. Your new subscriber must say “Yes, send me your emails” and you must be able to show when and where that permission was granted. A pre-checked box during the check out process is a big no-no.

Marketing emails
Marketing email promotes your business’s products or services. Marketing emails can generate leads, build relationships and brand awareness, and they can keep your customers engaged between purchases.

Transactional emails
Transactional emails are sent to someone after they take an action like making a purchase or requesting a password reset.

To build trust, set expectations and follow through. Don’t send emails to people unless you know how they signed up. Don’t send emails that your subscribers aren’t expecting. Do treat your subscribers like people.

Asking for permission is the first step in building a great relationship with your subscribers. Get that “yes” and don’t take it for granted. Remember that at the other end of the messages you are sending is a person who’s living a life and trying to get things done. Your email should help them get those things done and should never be an unexpected interruption in their day.



Michelle Miles

I am a digital marketing professional who has been building emails and designing customer journeys for over 20 years. Some people call me a unicorn.