Why Your Content Isn’t Doing Better Online

We’ve all been there — you write what you think is a great piece of content, only to see it flop on the internet. Why does this happen and how can you do better? In this article, we explore the essential elements of writing viral content online and provide tips for creating content that will actually be seen by your target audience.

4 min readDec 20, 2022

What are you even Writing About?

If you’re wondering why your content isn’t doing better online, it might be because you’re not writing about the right things. Your content should be focused on a specific niche and audience, and it should be interesting and useful to them. Ask yourself if your content is something that people in your target audience would actually want to read. If not, it’s time to rethink your strategy.

Think about what topics are most relevant to your niche, and start creating content that provides value to your audience. Share tips and advice, give insights into industry trends, and provide engaging information that will keep people coming back for more. With quality content that appeals to your target audience, you can start seeing the results you’re looking for in no time!

A Checklist of Qualities that Contribute to Good Content

When creating content for your social media, website or blog, it’s important to keep in mind what makes a good content. Here is a checklist of qualities that contribute to good content:

  1. Relevance: Is your content relevant to your target audience? If not, it’s likely that your readers will lose interest quickly.
  2. Timeliness: Is your content timely? If you’re writing about a current event or trend, make sure to include the most up-to-date information. Otherwise, your readers may feel like they’re reading outdated information.
  3. Accuracy: This one goes without saying, but it’s important to make sure that the information in your content is accurate. Inaccurate information can lead to confusion and frustration on the part of your readers.
  4. Clarity: Make sure that your content is clear and easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid jargon. Also, be sure to organize your thoughts in a logical way so that readers can follow along easily.
  5. Engaging: Good content is engaging! Write in an engaging style and use various media (photos, videos, infographics, etc.) to break up the text and keep readers interested.
  6. Shareable: Good content is shareable! Include social sharing buttons on each of your posts so that readers can easily share your content with their friends and followers.

Maintaining Consistency

The internet is a vast and ever-changing landscape. As a content creator, it’s important to have a constant presence online to reach new audience and maintain relationships with existing ones. But how do you keep your content fresh without overwhelming yourself or your team? Here are some tips:

  1. Plan Ahead: Creating a content calendar is a great way to map out what you want to achieve with your content and when you need to get it done. This will help you stay on track and avoid last-minute scrambling.
  2. Batch Create Content: If you can, try to batch create your content. This means setting aside time each week or month to produce several pieces at once. This way, you’ll always have fresh content on hand and won’t need to start from scratch every time you want to publish something new. Plus, it’ll be easier to maintain consistency in terms of quality and voice.
  3. Delegate and Outsource: If possible, delegate or outsource some of the work involved in creating content. This could mean hiring a freelancer or using an agency’s services. Not only will this free up your time, but it’ll also ensure that the final result is up to your standards.

How to Make your Content Viral

Your content isn’t going viral because you’re not thinking about what will make your content shareable. You need to consider what will make your content valuable to your reader and also make it easy for them to share.

Here are some tips to make your content more viral:

1. Write headlines that are catchy and clear — Your headline is the first thing that people will see, so make sure it’s attention-grabbing and tells readers what they can expect from your post.

2. Use images and videos — People are more likely to share content that contains visuals. Adding an image or video to your post can help make it more engaging and shareable.

3. Use social media — Posting your content on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn can help it reach a wider audience. Make sure to use hashtags and include links back to your original post.

4. Create listicles — People love lists! Creating a listicle (a list in the form of an article) is a great way to provide value to your reader while also making your content more shareable.

5. Write evergreen content — Evergreen content is content that remains relevant and useful over time. This type of content is more likely to be shared because it’s always relevant, unlike news stories which quickly become outdated.

Rule of Thumb

Your content needs to offer value to the audience. This could be in the form of information, entertainment, or both. If your audience feel like they’ve gotten something out of reading your piece, they’re more likely to share it with others.

