Failed in Flutter Interview?

1 min readJul 3, 2023


Flutter Interview Questions
or help to crack the interview

Take the interview source image from “giphy
  • First common question “Tell me about yourself?”

First of all say Good morning/afternoon or evening based on your interview timing after start with there person name Hey ABC, I hope your doing well!
and Thanks for asking!

Tell something about you and your background, education & passion for applying for new role and working with past organization or company etc.

Highlight you experience and skill and what you have work and tell something specific task or project or any think you have learning.

tell your key skill, position role & responsibility

give proper questions ans and whatever is asked by interviewers don’t hesitate to give the wrong ask if don’t know just accept it, and move for the next questions.

after the end of the interview if you have any question-related job or any other you can ask feel free to interviewer otherwise say thank you for giving you time end the meeting nice to talk to you

