Seneca: “On The Shortness of Life” (Best Quotes)

Michael Montgomery
4 min read6 days ago

Overwhelmed by Your Stuff? So Was Seneca.

Seneca, the Stoic philosopher (4 BC — AD 65), didn’t have to contend with TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat.

But he wrestled with the same struggles we all deal with.

How do we make the most of our time on earth?

Here’s a list of the best quotes from “On The Shortness of Life

1. Life Isn’t Short; You’re Just Wasting It

“Life is long if you know how to use it.”

We often complain about the brevity of life, but Seneca challenges this notion.

Life is inherently long, but the issue lies in how we spend it. Too much of our time is spent on autopilot, going through motions without intentionality.

Reflect on your daily routines. Are they filled with meaningful activities or mere time-fillers?

2. Time is Your Most Valuable Asset

“People guard their personal property; but squander time like it’s infinite.”

Consider how fiercely you protect your possessions.

Now, compare that to how you treat your time. Time is often squandered as if it’s limitless, yet it’s the one resource you can’t get back. Think about the hours spent mindlessly scrolling through social media or binge-watching shows.

These moments add up, and in the end, you’d trade anything for just one more year.

3. Quit Living in Tomorrowland

“The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today.”

We are perpetually planning for the future, delaying our happiness and actions until a later date.

Seneca warns against this expectancy.

The real action happens today, not in the indefinite future. By living for tomorrow, we lose today. Focus on what you can achieve now rather than what might be possible later.

4. Live in the Now

“What we call leisure is no better than busy idleness.”

Modern life is filled with distractions disguised as leisure.

Refreshing your email every 15 minutes, checking social media notifications incessantly — these are forms of busy idleness.

They give the illusion of productivity while actually wasting precious time.

Embrace true leisure, which involves activities that enrich and rejuvenate you.

5. Focus on What Matters

“You act like mortals in all that you fear, and like immortals in all that you desire.”

Our desires often make us act as if we are immortal, while our fears remind us of our mortality.

Most problems and distractions can be distilled down to underlying fears. By focusing on what truly matters, you can navigate life with a clearer sense of purpose.

Strip away the non-essential and concentrate on your core values and goals.

6. Wisdom Isn’t Bought on Amazon Prime

“It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it.”

Wisdom and a fulfilling life can’t be delivered overnight.

The issue isn’t the length of life but how we waste it. Time isn’t short; our misuse of it makes it seem so.

Reflect on how you spend your days. Are you investing in activities that bring growth and joy, or are you caught up in a cycle of meaningless tasks?

7. Choose Your Company Wisely

“Associate with people who are likely to improve you.”

The company you keep has a profound impact on your life.

Pay attention to how you feel around certain people. Do they uplift and inspire you, or do they drain your energy?

Surround yourself with those who challenge you to grow and improve.

8. Start Living Now

“Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.”

Each day is a new opportunity, a mini-life in itself.

Embrace it fully. Stop postponing your dreams and happiness. Act as if today is your only day, and make the most of it.

This mindset shift can transform how you approach your daily activities and long-term goals.

9. Your Days are Numbered

“We are always complaining that our days are few, and acting as though there would be no end of them.”

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking there’s always more time.

But the reality is, our days are numbered. There will be an end. Seneca’s reminder is a gut punch, urging us to live a life we can look back on with pride and satisfaction.

Make your days count by focusing on meaningful and fulfilling activities.

10. Invest in Self-Improvement

“The life we receive is not short, but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully.”

Self-improvement offers the best return on investment.

Continuously seek to grow and better yourself. Life is not inherently short or lacking; our wasteful habits make it seem so.

Dedicate time to learning, developing new skills, and enriching your mind and spirit. This investment pays dividends throughout your life.

Thanks, Seneca. You’re One Sharp Guy.

Seneca’s wisdom transcends time, offering valuable lessons on living a fulfilling life.

In a world filled with distractions and endless to-do lists, his teachings remind us to focus on what truly matters.

Embrace intentionality, live in the present, and continuously strive for self-improvement. Your future self will thank you.



Michael Montgomery

Co-Founder Rev Real Estate School (Revvie AI) & Renzo Real Estate | I write about coaching & client work