Movie Review: Bronson

Have you seen the movie Bronson?

The Yard
3 min readMar 20, 2024

Review by The Yard

Bronson is a 2008 movie, based loosely on the book of the same name, written by Michael Peterson also known as Charles Bronson, and first published in 2000.

The movie is an artistic madhouse. Tom Hardy does a masterful job portraying Charlie Bronson, Britain’s most violent prison inmate.

The movie loosely covers the book which Charlie wrote about his time in prisons and mad houses all over Britain. The autobiographical book goes through a lot of years so the movie is crushed down to try and tell the tale. It does a good job of it.

Basically Charlie went to prison for robbery. He got seven years and because he refused to submit to authority, ended up spending decades in prisons and insane asylums, while the system tried to break him.

He killed no one. But his crime was a refusal to be disrespected and submit to their authority.

He fought them in every way he could. And the system drove him insane, while they became just as insane in their efforts to force him to submit.

Tom Hardy and the films director, Nicholas Winding Refn, do an awesome job showing this. The script was written by the director and Brock Norman Brock.



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