The Single Best Action To Improve Your Writing

It isn’t easy, but it sure is worth it.

Pranav Gajria
7 min readApr 4, 2024
Image by author.

It’s been just over two years since I started writing online.

Every single day, after my morning coffee, I’ve made it a ritualistic practice where I’d open up my laptop, write for about ten minutes, and publish whatever stood out on Twitter.

Some days it’s a personal story. On others, it’s actionable advice. If it sounds really simple, that’s because it is. It has little to no friction and follows three simple actions: read, write, and publish.

This simple feedback loop alone has compounded extraordinary results over the past year: tens of thousands of followers, friendships from across the globe, and endless opportunities. The list goes on and on. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Not exactly.

It wasn’t until recently I realized this routine might have done more harm than good. My audience grew, but I felt that my skill as a writer and love for the craft were stagnating.

Writing, an activity that I always enjoyed as a child, finally reemerged into my life, brought me happiness, and unlocked doors I never thought were possible, only for me to push it back into the depths of my comfort zone and publish something that took just minutes to write.



Pranav Gajria

Doctor → Writer. Sharing insights on writing, entrepreneurship, and productivity, and helping healthcare professionals write about the things they love.