Silvester Kings
2 min readAug 31, 2021


Why Data Governance is Important

To start with data is the most important assets that any organization can ever have. Data

governance does not only ensure data is secured but also usable and accessible. Second data

governance leads to better data analytics which in turn leads to improved organization operations and better decision making. Third important point is that data governance assists in avoiding data errors or inconsistencies which can lead to integrity issues, variety of organization issues, and poor

decision making. Forth data governance plays an essential role in regulatory compliance, this ensures that organizations are consistently compliant with all levels of regulatory requirements. At its core data

governance leads at a reduced data management costs, increased access to data for all stakeholders,

and decreased data management costs. The result is a better decision making within an

organization and better business outcomes.

Other benefits of data governance

❖ It results to a more accurate procedures

❖ Assist in instituting better educational and training practices around data management

❖ Overall organizational growth

❖ Better resolution of current and past data issues

❖ Ability to provide standardized data policies, procedures, and systems

❖ An improved monitoring and tracking mechanism for data quality

Consequences of Poor Data Governance.

❖ Poor decision making: A decision can’t be better if information which is based upon is of

poor quality. Poor data quality leads to poor decisions.

❖ Loss of revenue: Poor data quality resulted to lack of data governance can lead to loss of

revenues in many ways. Example communications in maybe a certain organization can

fail to convert to sales just because of underlying customer data being incorrect. Poor

information can result to in inaccurate communications and targeting especially it is

detrimental in multichannel selling

❖ Missed opportunities: An organization can miss a lucrative opportunity for a new product

or customer to competitor due to lack of managing their data. Organizations which are

well established in the market needs to capitalize on data that they have.

❖ Business inefficiencies: Poor data quality can cause inefficiencies in those organization

processes which depend on data from reports to ordering products juts because they is

lack of the correct facts about data. This inefficiencies can result to expensive re-work as

one tries to fix these data errors and validating data instead of focusing on the core duties.

❖ Mistrust: Poor quality of data creates mistrust especially in those industries where

regulations govern relationships or trade with certain clients like finance. Maintaining

good data quality can result to increase of revenue and prevent loss of huge amount of

money. If data is wrong then time, reputations and money can be lost which in turn

lowers customer confidence.