The 5-Day FAST Diet
3 min readMar 14, 2016


Benefits From Intermittent Fasting And Fast Diet 5:2

WOW ORGANIC COLOURED HAIR CARE SHAMPOO provides information for weight loss management and is intended only to assist users in their personal weight loss endeavors. Weight Loss Buddy, Inc., and its subsidiaries is not a medical organization, and our staff cannot offer you medical advice or diagnosis. Nothing during the course of “The Diet” should be interpreted as such advice or diagnosis.

Any information we provide during “The Diet” should not be used as a substitute for physician consultation, evaluation, and/or treatment. We strongly urge you to seek the advice of a physician, or health-care provider, before you begin any weight loss effort or routine. This “Diet” is intended for use only by healthy adult individuals.

There are several groups of people who should not fast, including all minors, women who are trying to get pregnant, women who are already pregnant, women who are breastfeeding, and adults with diabetes or eating disorders. Also, those who have medical conditions or are on medication should talk to their doctors before trying this diet.

The USC longevity lab performed experiments on yeast, mice and human subjects and showed that a limited 5 day fast each month, followed by eating sensibly the rest of the month, led to reduced inflammation markers (longer more active life) and sustained weight loss.

It is a short-term approach — 5 consecutive days of eating reduced calories. The perfect example of when a fast is not a fast and a diet is not a diet, The 5-Day FAST Diet is quick, convenient and brings you all the benefits of less caloric intake for a short period of time.

Meal planning was simpler for cavemen: Eat when you have food and run around looking for more when you don’t. For about two million years, that’s how it worked. And the human body evolved to thrive on a sporadic diet. For our ancestors, intermittent fasting was a way of life.

The fast diet 5:2 is a simply structured eating plan spread across five consecutive days. There’s no measuring or calorie counting. There is nothing for you to do but open each individually sealed package on each day and eat your prescribed real food over the course of that day. No pre-made powders to contend with, no reason to buy or use a scale, no charts to consult, no points to count and no measuring portions to the size of your fist. You will not have to constantly analyze menus and boxes for numbers that never seem to make sense! In no time you will have completed the 5 days and you will emerge not only feeling better than you ever have but you’ll be on your way to significant health benefits.

Try to space the daily foods out to help you deal with the hunger. You will find on our Website a “Suggested Eating Plan,” to help guide you.

You’ll also find under “Diet Hacks” suggestions from people, like yourself, who have tried The 5-Day “FAST” Diet and offered their suggestions. We are constantly striving to make The 5-Day “FAST” Diet better, and welcome your comments and suggestions.



The 5-Day FAST Diet

We offer the perfect 5:2 diet plan that helps lose weight fast. Our 5 days intermittent fasting diet has been developed based on recent scientific research.