Welcoming Joanne Bradford to the Wave board

2 min readOct 12, 2018


It’s been another busy week at theBoardlist. The media was a flurry with the passing of the new California state mandate that all California public companies must have at least one woman on their board of directors by the end of 2019. There are many fantastic reasons for adding women to your company’s board, but looking at the bottom line (pun intended), it’s just simply good for business. It doesn’t matter if you run a Fortune 500 public company or a scrappy startup — women leaders are key in driving company profits. Which leads us to our next news item: theBoardlist has played a critical role in placing Joanne Bradford, currently CMO at SoFi, to Wave’s board of directors as the Canadian private company’s first woman board member.

We couldn’t be happier for Joanne and thrilled for Wave as they continue their diversity efforts. Keep an eye on this company, folks!

So why are we talking about these two news items together? Here’s why: If you’ve read any comments in the news articles about the board quota passing, you’ll see commenters implying that women are being asked to join company boards solely because they’re a woman. That is just simply not true. In Joanne’s case, not only is she highly qualified, she is a candidate on theBoardlist nominated by various industry leaders — like all of the 2,900+ female candidates on our platform.

Joanne is an experienced senior executive in financial services, currently serving as CMO at SoFi, the leading personal finance lender, where she oversees marketing, business development and partnerships. Bradford joined SoFi from Pinterest, where she led global partnerships, platform adoption and monetization efforts, following groundbreaking executive leadership roles at Yahoo!, Microsoft, The San Francisco Chronicle and BusinessWeek. Impressive, right?

The thing is, there are many women extremely qualified and ready to serve on company boards — highly vetted on theBoardlist platform. Our talented team is intricately involved in the board placement process, helping you find the perfect candidate uniquely paired for your company needs. We are ready to ride this new (tidal) wave in the women’s movement — aiming for equal representation in not only the boardroom, but overall.

So, congratulations, Joanne! Take pride in your placement and know you’re making history.

About theBoardlist

theBoardlist is a curated talent marketplace that connects highly qualified women leaders with opportunities to serve on private and public company boards. Starting with the technology industry and now expanded across many verticals, theBoardlist offers public and private companies a platform to accelerate opportunities for women to achieve at the highest levels. Follow theBoardlist on Twitter @theBoardlist.




A curated marketplace for the discovery of highly-endorsed women for private and public company boards. #ChoosePossibility