What is the Clarity project?

4 min readSep 3, 2018


At the Clarity project, our purpose is to help small business owners create a better business for themselves, a better life for their family and team and ultimately, inspire them to contribute towards a better world.

We want to empower entrepreneurs to change the world!

Clarity is the global business advisory platform empowering small business owners.

Small business is BIG business

Small business owners are the backbone of the global economy. There are 168m small businesses around the world representing 95% of all business, with 30m in the US and 5.7m in the UK alone. Their success drives employment and growth, builds communities and creates a more stable economy.

Business is complex

However small business owners are not achieving their true potential and are suffering on all sides. Business is complex and getting even more so! Business owners are working harder and longer for smaller returns and they earn less now than when they were employed. 60% fail within 5 years and only 1 in 10 last more than 10 years.

Technology isn’t helping. Entrepreneurs are drowning in information and starving for knowledge. Competition is rife and there’s a massive downward pressure on pricing. Automation and consolidation are transforming, and in some cases decimating, whole industries! Governments and financial institutions are paying lip service but aren’t really helping, and the large corporate machines are aggressive in dictating their terms of business and payments.

The Clarity platform

The Clarity project is creating a platform, powered by artificial intelligence and blockchain, that will allow small business owners to take back control:

  • control of their data and incentives for sharing it with whom they want, when they want;
  • control over their decisions and decision making ability; and, consequently
  • control over their future.

We want to empower small business owners to make better business decisions using data analytics and performance improvement insights to drive performance and growth.

We also want them to enable them access to the right type of funding and investment that suits their particular needs at the best time for them and their business.

Finally, our platform will help small business owners create a business that works. Using our unique (and digital) business improvement programme, they will be able to store all their financial and non-financial data, IP, systems, processes and procedures etc in various wallets as part of a secure data room. They will be able to share this data, with whom they want, when they want. We’ll even reward them for doing so! Ultimately, if a small business owner is looking for funding, investment or to sell, our platform will make it easier to do so by increasing trust and driving down the cost of due diligence and legal fees, on all sides!

What about accountants and advisers?

As compliance becomes commoditised, it’s advise or die for accounting firms!

Accountants are suffering many of the same problems as small business owners; competition, downward pressure on pricing, staffing and technological and regulatory updates.

Making added value and proactivity a reality, our platform will act as an aggregator combining many existing apps in one place with blockchain being the differentiator. We will provide accountants with a scalable business advisory solution that enables many of their team to deliver outstanding service, replace lost compliance revenue and the opportunity to become a true trusted advisor or the firm of the future.

UN Global Goals

As an organisation, we support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). If achieved, the 17 Global Goals would mean an end to extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. When Sir Richard Branson was at the launch of the SDGs, he said it was the first time that a world body recognised that is was entrepreneurs and businesses that would change the world and not governments.

However, we are three years in, and nowhere near where we need to be. Lise Kingo of the UN at SDG Annual Forum on 17 July 2018 observed that what we need is, “for businesses everywhere to step up and contribute the expertise, innovation and investments needed to turn aspirations into reality. The private sector is the fuel that can accelerate sustainable development at the local level. We need everyone to make the Global Goals, local business.”

And that why we do what we do, in partnership with the groundbreaking giving organisation, B1G1 (Buy1Give1) Business For Good.

Our vision

The Clarity project is huge and our vision is even bigger. We see a future where Clarity is the one-stop shop for Small Business and the CLRTY token becomes the token of choice for small business owners (and their advisers) worldwide!

We see a future that supports business (and a world) without boundaries!

Upcoming token sale (ICO)

Our upcoming token sale (ICO) starts at the end of October/early November and there are massive rewards for those who get in early! You will be able to whitelist soon, in advance of the sale, putting yourself at the front of the queue.

For more details, check out our website clarityproject.io, join our telegram channel t.me/theCLRTYproject or follow @theCLRTYproject across all the main social media channels.




making business simple. powered by blockchain and AI