World Blockchain Forum, London 2018

3 min readSep 20, 2018


In early September 2018, the #Clarity team assembled in the iconic vaults of Old Billingsgate for the World Blockchain Forum London. Hosted by Keynote, these forums are infamous within the blockchain industry, bringing together visionary leaders, economic pioneers and enterprising investors from around the world to discuss the future of our financial world.

Day one met our high expectations. All tiers of the venue were buzzing with cutting edge discussions and excitement for the upcoming few days. The Clarity stand was amongst other enthusiastic ICO’s which was a fantastic opportunity for the team to chat to other businesses about their projects, both pre and post token sale, and listen and learn from their experiences. Like previous conferences, our purpose at these events is not just about finding potential #CLRTY token holders. The conversations, exhibitions and presentations from fellow exhibitors and speakers provide just as much value for us to digest and implement in our startup.

All of the main stage speeches had standing room only on day one. Aynsley’s talk in the afternoon was no exception to the rule. The Clarity vision is huge and is therefore always a challenge to distill in a short ten minute speaking slot.

Despite this, Aynsley delivered a fantastic keynote and even had time to cover off the four main reasons why everyone should be purchasing CLRTY tokens. This was, and still is, very important for us to share with the London crypto community as we are building up to the launch of our Token Sale in Q4 this year.

Here’s a quick summary of these reasons for those who weren’t lucky enough to watch live:

🔷 With 168 million small business owners worldwide, the market for our CLRTY token is massive

🔷 To get the most out of our tiered pricing system and to take advantage of the vast market, purchasers will need to get in as early as they can. The starting price for round 1 is 20c

🔷 In addition, our ‘Refer a Friend’ scheme allows token holders to receive a 15% token bonus through a unique link to encourage others to purchase CLRTY tokens too

🔷 When the Clarity platform phase one goes live, our customers (small business owners) will need to own CLRTY tokens in order to access and subscribe to the platform. To manage this demand we have set a minimum price of $2.50 for CLRTY tokens in our purchase programme. This means tokens will be bought from initial token holders at 70% of the market value

Off the back of Aynsley’s talk, the team had some very interesting conversations with other founding members of new ICO’s, all of which carried on into day two of the World Blockchain Forum. Such engagement from the event delegates was really encouraging as Keynote’s focus for this event was to strengthen the crypto community in London.

As always, attending blockchain events and summits is always an enlightening experience for the Clarity team. They are always full on, and we always come away with new tasks and leads to follow up on. Unsurprisingly, #WBFLondon did not let the side down on any of these points. It was a brilliant few days, and great exposure for the Clarity project to get in front of a crypto network that is a little closer to home.

The team are off to #BlockchainLive18 @ Olympia, London on 26.09.2018.

If you would like to chat to some of the team, we will be at stand B25 🙏🏼




making business simple. powered by blockchain and AI