Experiment on learning a new language in 7 days

The Cross-Pollinator
2 min readDec 26, 2021


Combining the most efficient language learning methods

Human brain is said to be excellent at acquiring language by nature. But if you have been tortured by your high school second language courses, you would know that trying to memorise some alien &m*e%r(d#e)- vocabulary is not that nice and rosy. The good news is, the problem is never about you but the method.

In this experimental project I am going to deep dive into the (theoretically) most efficient language learning methods. The goal is to make the biggest possible boost on the first step of a language acquisition journey. Hopefully once you have built a solid base, you would have the confidence to keep the momentum going.

photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya from Unsplash

Before we start, here is a simple checklist that is nice to have before starting any project.

#1: Motivation

Why do you want to learn this language? Motivation is the key (to everything). To me it is pure fun and fascinating to discover a different way of perceiving the world, to experience a culture, and to be able to interact with people using their mother languages.

photo by The Cross-Pollinator

Language learning can be fun and efficient but it is still challenging. To reach the summit you either take a long, gentle hike or a short, steep climb. We all get tired and your motivation is what keeps you going.

#2: Goal

Depending on what level you want to reach and how much time you are willing to engage, you can set some short-, mid-, long-term goals. For this 7-day challenge, a realistic goal for me would be to have a very basic 1–2 minute conversation with a native speaker.

#3: Evaluation

The most fun way of evaluation for me is always to speak with a native speaker to see the surprise on their faces and their laughter when I make mistakes!

In the following articles I will introduce my everyday strategies for 7 days and the practical tools that I use for learning Spanish. ¡Vamos!



The Cross-Pollinator

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