
Dr. Marcelle raises a very important point. Greater diversity and equity will be essential to building a future in which the financial markets work for everyone. Although it may not be reflected in this article, it is certainly an important component of our vision. A sustainable financial market is not possible without meaningful shifts in power dynamics — specifically the representation of women and other historically underrepresented groups in high-level positions within the investing industry. Further, the voices of beneficiaries and other affected parties will need to be systematically included in investment decision-making.

This Roadmap is but the first step in a process. Now begins the fun and interesting phase of implementation. We intend to engage with field-builders around to world to bring these actions to life, and we welcome the opportunity to work with Dr. Marcelle in helping drive this transformation in financial markets.



Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)

The Global Impact Investing Network is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing around the world.