The MANNY Blog
2 min readMar 17, 2023
The fire of dawn

Our harmonization with the Father will heal the Earth.

T​he creation was subjected to futility in hope. It groans under the burden of the improper stewardship of sinful mankind.

But a dim light is glowing on the horizon. The sun is starting to rise on the landscape. The Holy Spirit is beginning to kindle into flame the fire of His love in the hearts of the children of God. Those who are praying this prayer with sincere hearts are asking for the Creator to bring His rule to bear on the earth. These are His sons and daughters. They have laid down their will in exchange for His. They know His power and plan is what the earth needs to flourish.

Why we do what we do

A​re you convinced the power and plan of God is better for the earth than the current regime of mankind? Then ask Him to renew and restore what He has created. Ask Him to use you in the reconciliation of the material of the earth. Offer your body to Him as a living sacrifice. Begin each day knowing He will guide you by the Holy Spirit into meaningful work and proper stewardship. Learn from Him. Observe how He cares for the created order. Imitate your good Father in the Heavens, and be glad. He is working to provide for His creation. He is working to provide for you. Join Him in His good works. You might even find your material needs being provided by jointly participating with Him, this day.

The MANNY Blog

We are a community of men seeking the Kingdom of God. Once a year we go on an adventure with our sons. All are welcome to join us on the adventure.