5 of Our Favorite Quotes from DNC Chair Jaime Harrison’s Appearance on NewDEAL’s An Honorable Profession podcast

2 min readNov 1, 2023


In September, NewDEAL celebrated the fifth anniversary and 200th episode of its award-winning podcast, An Honorable Profession, with an inspiring conversation between Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison and hosts Debbie Cox Bultan (NewDEAL CEO) and Ryan Coonerty (former Santa Cruz County, CA Supervisor and Santa Cruz, CA Mayor).

During the conversation, Harrison delved into issues ranging from the importance of local leaders to the untold accomplishments of the Biden Administration and how he first got involved in politics.

While it is difficult to boil down the conversation to only a few key issues, here are five of our favorites:

On President Biden’s Accomplishments: Chair Harrison discussed the success of the Inflation Reduction Act, describing it as, “the largest investment in fighting back against the climate crisis ever in the history of the world.” He also highlighted other ways the IRA lowers costs like its provisions around prescription drug benefits which give Medicare the ability to negotiate prices.

On Democratic Values: Chair Harrison hailed the Democratic Party as “the party of freedom.” He backed up this claim noting that it is the party that stays true to the vision of the Founders, fighting for the ideal that all people are created equal. Democrats in Congress, as well as in state and local government, fight for the ability of every person to live their American Dream, regardless of their race, faith, identity, or who they love. “That’s who we are, fundamentally, as a party.”

On Voter Protection: In a time when America’s very democracy is at risk of being undermined by disinformation and lies, Chair Harison reiterated that Democrats are the only party to wholeheartedly embrace voting rights as a fundamental value.

On What Keeps Him Going: Chair Harrison is inspired by the motto of his home state, South Carolina: “While I breathe, I hope.”

On Advice to Those Getting Involved in Politics: As a former state party chair, Harrison advised anyone who wants to get involved to remain focused on “how you improve the lives of constituents.” He noted the importance of listening to all those in your community to shape your priorities.

You can listen to this episode, or any episode of An Honorable Profession, on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or anywhere podcasts are found.




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