The cost of bad UX design… trillions?

The UX School
2 min readMar 7, 2017


In order to prepare for the launch of The UX School (a community created by CareerFoundry to further research into user experience, to educate, and to promote UX) we conducted research into the financial implications of good and bad UX.

We reached out to dozens of key influencers in the field of UX and gathered their thoughts, as well as looking at calculations in key areas such as e-commerce and IT development.

The cost of bad UX in e-commerce

E-commerce is one area where bad UX can have a very visible, direct impact on the bottom line, as millions of customers abandon goods at the checkout due to poor user experience. The figures for e-commerce alone are pretty staggering:

The cost of bad UX in IT project management

Another big area where a lack of UX research is costing billions, is in IT projects across all industries.

Many IT projects start out with the best intentions only to be abandoned half-way through, resulting in huge financial losses. The problem, as well as affecting private companies, has also become a well-known issue in the public sector where taxpayers’ money is regularly mismanaged:

If you’re a UX designer or simply have an interest in UX design — join the conversation now and let us know if you think UX design is a trillion dollar issue. You can find our community on Facebook at The UX School, or search Twitter and Instagram for #uximpact.

<Click here to get the full report!>

