iBackPack — Next Generation Backpack

coming soon on crowdfunding websites

6 min readJul 9, 2015

It has been an exciting period for us at iBackpack Inc. and it still is. We are getting near the period when we will release a high-technology backpack, which brings both excitement and joy at our company. If you do not know who we are, here is a brief introduction. We started as a company dealing with designing and developing websites, but we grew to be a company that has combined a common product with high-technology and created a high-technology product — an iBackPack.


At the beginning, the idea was to create an iBackPack with incorporated GPS technology for children, who are still too young to carry a smartphone, so that their parents can stop worrying about where they are, what they do and so on. But, the idea expanded even more once we realized that in fact everyone was carrying a backpack, even professionals and they have troubles finding a suitable bag which will carry their smartphone devices. Then we began having serious thoughts on this matter, especially the following questions: Can you imagine your life without a mobile phone? Without Internet? Or have you ever experienced the low battery syndrome at a time you most needed your phone? Based on our own experience, we decided that these questions should never have affirmative answers. We decided to incorporate this high-technology into the backpack and to provide everyone with the ability to recharge their smartphones when needed, to have 24/7 shareable Internet connection and much more.

Why did we choose the backpack?

The idea to use the backpack developed naturally. In fact, it was the answer to the following questions:

“Is there anything in the world that hasn’t been improved? How can we further help people? What other product can be improved and enhanced through the aggregation of technology?”

Once we saw that the backpack is a very low-tech product that could be easily enhanced to include a number of technology advancements, we decided to use it. Additionally, everyone owns at least one backpack and they are widely used on a daily basis. The more we looked at the backpack the more we realized that they could quite easily be turned into a technology hub. In fact, the backpack is ideal, since it is spacious, it has shoulder straps, in some cases wheels, and it is extremely easy for carrying around.

Furthermore, in today’s ever-changing environment, business professionals are also carrying backpacks. It may seem taboo to high fashion critics, but it’s the most practical and comfortable. It’s even more ideal than having briefcases, which nowadays are no longer adequate. Every professional needs a spacious mobile storage asset where the multitude of electronic components, such as a notebook computer, iPad or Android tablet, iPhone, Android Phone, charging devices etc would be kept. The classic briefcase can no-longer hold the basic tools of today that business professionals are carrying each day. Thus, an increasing number of men and women are looking for a better way to carry their tools. Aside from that, backpack sales have been skyrocketing. According to an article in Time.com “,for the 12-month period ending in May 2014, backpack sales among adults 18 and over were up 33%”


Currently we are still in the developing phase, and we are working together with all the people around the world on determining which features would be the best to have them incorporated in the backpack. Everyone can participate and vote for the features that he/she wants to see and/or have them incorporated in the iBackPack. We have a list of about 15 features but in regards to space and time, we will describe only five of them.

Wi-Fi hotspot

It is really hard to imagine a day without internet, and as the technology advances a Wi-Fi connection is always needed. Guided by our own experience, we thought that it is of no use driving to some place which has a sluggish Wi-Fi connection, for example to Starbucks, to share some important email when you can have internet with you all the time and even allow up to 6 of your friends to connect to it. Since the backpack is ideal to serve as a communication hub, the iBackPack comes with its own WIFI hotspot — providing high-speed internet access through multiple carriers including AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Time Warner Cable and Direct TV. 

Portable battery charger

Spending too much time on your smartphone devices will certainly empty their batteries and if you are in the middle of a deserted place where will you charge your batteries? To avoid the syndrome of low battery, we have decided to incorporate an extremely powerful battery — Tesla-style battery — with the capability to recharge both iPhone and iPad at the same time, and not just these two but even the gadgets of up to three friends.

GPS tracking system

We’ve incorporated a GPS tracking system enabling the parents of students to monitor the whereabouts of their children via the iBackPack mobile app. They can create “safe” and “no-go” zones, and receive SMS text notifications as to where their child is at the moment, or where he or she is going. Detailed reports provide even the most concerned parents with everything they need in order to stay informed. Google Street and augmented reality functions are integrated into the iBackPack app, which will soon be available for Android devices as well as for the Apple iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.

Find out more on www.ibackpack.co

Bluetooth proximity locator

With the Bluetooth proximity locator you won’t have to worry anymore that your iBackPack would get stolen. Using Bluetooth technology and an inclusive app, you will get notified about the location of your backpack, be it stolen, in an airport or any other crowded area.

Besides these features, other features, which are on the list for people to vote for are multiple USB ports, a superior stereo system, a wireless recharging pad, solar panel charging, retractable usb cord and much more. To say it in simple words, we’ve decided to create a communications hub, which will be useful for everyone from age eight to eighty.

What we need now is support from every single person on Earth. You can check us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many other social media platforms. Share, like, follow, subscribe, or even join our awesome team. We are almost at the end of accomplishing this goal and if you want to learn more about us and the features we offer, vote for those that you want to have in your backpack and even win a free backpack check our website at www.ibackpack.co. Additionally our crowdfunding campaign begins on August 15th and runs through Oct. 15th, be sure to visit and support us there, because the iBackPack is not only a backpack — but is also a technology powerhouse hub.

This was just a short introduction to our product, and we promise to keep you timely updated with everything that’s happening on our side.

We hope that you enjoyed! We are open to any suggestions, comments and questions.

Follow us on Facebook , Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.




We’ve taken a normal backpack and turned it into a #hightechnology tool for anyone from age eight to eighty. #NextGeneration