The Technosociety has Peaked

Modern Man
2 min readDec 31, 2018


The progress of technology has peaked. We have to recognize this in order to avoid the tragedy.

We have been told a lie, something that we like to hear. Something that was hard to disprove. We were told that things will get better and faster and smaller and eventually the rapture will come. The rapture could arrive in the form of cyborgs or immersive VR worlds or AI gods. Someone somehow will save us and clean up our mess. If we work hard we will reach the technology-induced nirvana.

These promises don’t hold up. And they never could. People see it but they don’t want to acknowledge the reality. Current ideologies of techno liberation are fake promises. But the inertia is too great. It is too tempting to replace the old ideologies with newer, darker ones. To find the enemy of growth, the enemies of progress instead of acknowledging the truth.

The truth is that technological society has peaked. We have been reaping diminishing returns for a while now. We have to pause. We have to make a break. We have to look around. We have to cleanup. It is time to pay up. It is time to break up. There will be no salvation.

It is alright to slow down. But slowing down is painful. It makes you anxious and scared. It makes you self-conscious. It makes you realize that all the ideologies and all those dreams broadcasted to us will never come true. We wont become techno-gods and there is no techno-liberation.

The universe is waving. Some waves are very short and some are very long but there is never any wave that does not have a trough. It is time to embrace the trough. Things can not get better all the time. Its painful to shatter this illusion because most of our lives and our parents lives we were riding a crest that lasted for generations.

It is the responsibility of our generation to see through the illusion of infinite progress and growth. Its time to stop, make a break, cleanup, avoid and hold back the tragedies to come.

We need to pause, we need to look around, we need to rediscover the center, break free of old ideologies. We need to pay up for the illusions of exponential growth. Somebody will have to.

