The Afflatus
3 min readJul 24, 2021

Degradation of Moral Values in the New Generation

AUTHOR — Shriya Agnihotri

Degradation of moral values among the youth is an emerging issue of concern. Moral values are the ideal principles that one should follow, these values give the person the knowledge of distinguishing right from wrong. The effect of this degradation will soon be reflected in every aspect of society.

The modern materialistic world, even though has improved our standards of living, at the same time has lowered our standard of life. With the rapid development in all the fields, man has come to believe that materialistic comforts are the real happiness one needs in their life. This particular thinking has motivated man to practice all kinds of malicious activities, be it theft, deceit, corruption, bribery, injustice, exploitation, etc.

Today’s youth is going to drive the nation one day and it is important to make sure that they do not get diverted from their path.


1. Parental behaviour — The fast-paced world, prevalent work culture, and the demands of the day have resulted in, parents not being able to devote time to their children. The so-called generation gap has become more prominent than ever with minimal communication between the parent and the child. Children have turned out to be very arrogant, as a result of over pampering by the parents and the parents’ newly developed habit of enduring all the hardships of the real world themselves and providing the children with a world of fantasy.

2. Nuclear families — The shift from joint families to nuclear families has contributed to the degradation of moral values among the new generation. Certain life and social lessons, like patience, sharing, and respect, which previously automatically got ingrained in the children while living in a joint family, suddenly went missing.

3. Peer group influence — Peer influence can be both, positive or negative. Peer groups have always played a vital role in developing the concept of morality. Children often start doing immoral things to fit in the group and to prove themselves to others. They often get brainwashed by their friends and do not pay heed to their parents’ advice. One needs to find the balance between fitting into a group and being herself/himself.

4. Education — Nowadays, parents as well as teachers give higher importance to materialistic achievements, rather than emphasizing on the development of values. To make the youth aware and responsible, it is necessary to impart them with education and values which teach them not only to ‘do good’ but also ‘love good’.

The creative mind of the youth has been distracted by unsocial activities. Knowledge without moral values is not only useless but is dangerous too.

The youth must be given proper guidance and should be imparted with moral values so that they become responsible and capable citizens.

“Only our deep moral values and our strong social institution can hold back the jungle and restrain the darker impulses of the human nature.” — Ronald Reagan