4 Tips to Launch a Successful Startup

Akash Sharma
2 min readDec 3, 2015


Launching a startup business venture is both exciting and challenging. A common theme associated with startups that launched and succeeded is that the founding entrepreneurs followed a set of principles when creating and developing their ventures. Chief among these are four fundamental tips for launching successful startup.

Welcome Criticism

A crucial tip to employ when starting or developing a startup is the ability to welcome constructive criticism. Through the process of accepting criticism, an entrepreneur oftentimes is able to improve the overall operations of a new venture.

Not all criticism is constructive and not all constructive criticism warrants the same attention. A key consideration is the source of criticism and the background and experience of a person lending critical suggestions.

Craft a Comprehensive Business Plan

The media is replete with stories about individuals who seem to have started their new business ventures on a whim, who launched a startup without a particular business plan in mind, let alone a comprehensive business plan committed to writing.

Successful startups nearly always are launched with a comprehensive business plan. Oftentimes, the plan is a cooperative venture between an entrepreneur and an individual with credible, extensive experience in crafting and creating such plans.

Passion for the Project

In the final analysis, a new business enterprise is more likely to launch effectively and then garner growing success if the entrepreneur associated with the business has a passion for it. It is possible, theoretically, for an entrepreneur to launch a startup with a minimal level of passion. However, in the final analysis, those enterprises with truly enthusiastic entrepreneurs involved tend to enjoy greatest level success.

Get a Mentor

Another hallmark of a successful startup is a founder who is willing to seek out and utilize a mentor as a resource. A mentor can take many forms, including another entrepreneur with experience in the same industry or a professional with a vastly different background. In some instances, an entrepreneur working to launch a new venture is wise to seek more than one mentor.

There is no fail-safe strategy to guarantee the ultimate success of a new venture. Nonetheless, by applying these tips, an entrepreneur can be in a better position to enjoy short- and long-term business success.

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