20 min readMay 24, 2022

The Scarlet Witch is dead. Long live the Scarlet Witch.

The castle atop Mount Wundagore collapsed, engulfing her in the silence of death. Silence existed in a grayish void; a frightening place, disturbing the very essence of her being, but… who was her? She tried to move through this amorphous space, which was only met with a feeling of dread. There was no movement. There was no interaction with this space. So what was there? If she died, what was this? Wait, who died?

— —

The dismantling of the Hex brought relief to Westview’s inhabitants, but unbeknownst to them, a special gift was left behind. Wanda’s reality shaping abilities were so far beyond anything conceivable to humans, it would take a synthezoid to compute such power. In her grief-stricken departure, that’s exactly what Wanda conceived. Beneath Wanda and Vision’s homestead plot of land there was a body, freshly assembled from the remnants of her sadness. The destruction of the castle, the Darkhold, the Scarlet Witch and Wanda herself triggered this synthezoid’s awakening. Awaken it did, with a low and slow rumble beneath the dirt, Westview birthed another child: Viv.

Hands, mechanised and clawing upward; torso, slim and attempting to squirm; legs, powerful and pushing bedrock out of the way; Viv’s head cracked through the foundational concrete upon the final push, able to reach their hands through the hole and brush the rubble aside. Slow to get up, but quick to adapt to their new orientation, vertical Viv assessed the basement situation. It was dark, but they could see. It smelled old, but they were new, how could they know how old smelled? It was damp and enclosed; there used to be a house here, but only 4 short basement walls and ceiling remained.

“Up,” they vocalised. Their first word. Curious how they knew that word and what it meant, they went up.

Viv began to float — disturbing not even the tiniest bit of dirt they floated up toward the concrete basement ceiling, and without a concerning calculation Viv phased right through the ceiling into the open air of Westview. Eyes wide, processing grass and trees and cars and houses and streets, they floated higher; eyes wider now, as if that may help collect more data on this world, Viv floated cloudward and Westview became but a texture on a map.

Viv’s slender silver and emerald frame gracefully navigated the azure sky above New Jersey, long vibranium infused hair bobbing and weaving along with their movement through the jetstreams, they tried to make sense of the where and what and why — Where were they headed? What was their purpose? Why were they sad? After a short flight east, Viv hit the coast; city and sand, rock and water. They had no desire to go to the city, however they felt a great urge to keep flying east. Over the Atlantic, faster and faster still, crossing African coast and desert, rivers and forests were all but a blur.

“There.” Viv stopped on a dime, as if dimes could be suspended midair.

Their synapses fired intensely as they gazed upon a temple on a hill. Kamar-Taj lay sprawled across the hills below, a magical blanket shadowed by the Himalayas. Viv swooped down and landed gracefully in the promenade. The pitter patter of footsteps echoed throughout the columns and archways of the compound, culminating in dozens of mystics confronting Viv en garde — for an unknown entity to cross the defensive border and enter the Kamar-Taj grounds uncontested is quite peculiar indeed.

“Halt!” shouted one of the Kamar-Taj guards, shields up and shaking.

Viv, unflinching, looked right past the line created by the burning orange shields and tracked a calm figure sauntering toward the vanguard. The horned and furry mage stood tall on his hind legs. As he approached the shaking guard from behind, he bent slightly forward to mouth something in the guard’s ear. With a quick sweeping movement of his hands, his magical shield was dispelled, and like toppling dominoes, the rest of the vanguard followed suit.

“We have a visitor!” The announcement shook the cobblestone beneath their feet — such a voice! Rintrah continued, “Please young one, let us know what has brought you to our temple grounds.”

“I…” Viv began to process something new, a communication syntax. Words, to form sentences, to create meaning, and represent their purpose. “I have come to seek help to search for my parents.” — Inelegant but it will do. “What was that?” Viv thought out loud.

“Are you OK, young one?” Even Rintrah’s quiet concerned voice was booming. “What is your name?”

“I am Viv,” looking around at a hundred eyes staring back at them, waiting for more information, Viv continued, “Child of Vision and Wanda Maximoff.”

A shock rippled throughout the courtyard. A few of the mystics zipped away in different directions upon hearing the news, either to inform the masters or to run and hide from possible danger, as the memory of what Viv’s mother did was still fresh in the survivor’s minds.

Rintrah, now a bit more defensive, continued to enquire. “Where are your parents now, young Viv?” They did not respond. “Are you aware of what… what your mother has done?”

Viv’s eyes widened and darted directly at Rintrah as they blurted out, “What do you know of my mother!?”

Just as the question was asked, a small team of people emerged from the large archway at the back of the courtyard. The group walked through the amassed mystics, and like a wave through the audience at a stadium, the mystics began to bow. Sorcerer Supreme Wong was accompanied by his newest student America Chavez, and they quickly broke away from their companions to approach Rintrah.

“You are an unexpected guest!” Wong exclaimed with a breathful shout. “I apologize for the welcome party but you must understand, the last time your mother was here she caused us great pain.”

“Tortured and threatened us,” Rintrah exclaimed. “Used our lives to coerce our Sorcerer Supreme into giving her what she demanded!”

“Enough!” Wong cut sharply into the charges Rintrah laid out in front of the child. “Please, you need to explain to us why you are here.”

Hearing Wong enquire why only left Viv with another question. “How?” Viv asked Wong. “How am I here?”

Their question left everyone confused. Chatter could be heard in the back rows as mystics started to contemplate even their own existence, when a small but confident voice emerged from just behind the Sorcerer Supreme.

“Come with us inside and let’s try to figure that out, OK?” America Chavez said, not as a student of the mystic arts, not as an interdimensional being that can punch holes in the multiverse, but as simply a friend.

Viv looked around at the crowd of shocked, confused and apprehensive faces. As they began to take their first step forward, most of the mystics present donned defensive positions, a few on the sides closer to Wong deployed their shields, America smiled and started walking to meet Viv half way. Wong watched carefully. As the two teenaged-presenting beings approached one another, America reached out her hand and Viv gracefully obliged. Wong now, with a smirk, said “To the library! Let us figure this out.”

— —

Kamar-Taj was massive, much bigger than it appeared from the outside. It only had a few ground floor entrances, all of them connected to small laneways near a market or a hillside. Once inside though, multiple levels of paradoxical structures led you no-any-every-where. Without guidance, guests could be lost forever within its enigmatic walls. That is, if you happen not to be a fathomless synthezoid born of a reality-twisting nexus being from nothing but her grief, and have the ability to phase through all material.

Led through the halls of a multitude of different buildings and rooms, Viv continuously scanned and analyzed everything they saw. “This place has magic. Is magic. I am not magic. Correct?” Viv’s words were questions wrapped in comments.

“Yes, yes, and we’re not sure,” America’s youthful inquisitiveness bubbled to the surface. “But I can’t wait to find out more about you, Viv.”

The group arrived at a tiny courtyard, a small repose from the endless hallways. Wong delegated, “You five, secure the entrances. You and you, guard the library door. No one gets in.” With a suction noise akin to cracking open a jar of preserves, the doors to the library opened as Rintrah led the way.

As Viv entered the library with America beside them, they slowed their pace. In here, that old smell was present again; Viv made the connection and learned what old meant. The history, the millions of words all in different languages, the collection of consciousness amassed here impressed the curious synthezoid. Viv had an urge to learn, they felt like picking up every book and consuming the contents, but they first needed to learn about themselves.

Viv and America finally caught up with Rintrah and Wong at one of the corners of the library. A small table was situated not too far from the ornamented bookshelves, and the corner itself felt like a room all its own. This was a mysterious section, containing obscure knowledge — knowledge that needs to be dusted off before it’s accessed. The group of four surrounded the table, with Wong’s back to the bookshelved corner. With a flick of his wrists, Wong accessed a magical glowing interface, and with another, sprawled it across the tiny table. The table transformed into a matrix of interconnected globes of knowledge, each globe containing the learnings of the very corner of the library they were standing in: the Arcane corner.

Wong began, “Arcane knowledge is not only difficult to understand, it is also not easy to apply in practice… it is by its very nature, incompatible with most natural law.”

“So where do we begin looking?” America asked.

Wong continued to swipe through strings of globes, “We will start by searching for information relating to crea–”

“Grief,” Viv interrupted. “I see — I feel, grief.”

“Grief.” Wong spun the web of knowledge around quickly and made a grasping motion, stopping the matrix on a glowing globe, contents: Grief.

“But ‘grief’ is a well known phenomena that has been studied for centuries!” Rintrah dismissively (and loudly) stated.

Wong explained, “The knowledge contained within may not be what you expect.” He moved his attention to Viv and asked, “Viv, please place your hands around the globe.”

Viv was visibly cautious, hesitant even, when America reached out and reassuringly took hold of Viv’s left hand. Viv looked up from the table and appreciatively nodded to America, then turned to Wong and asked, “How will I know what to look for?”

Wong replied with a smirk, “You’ll just know.”

Viv reached up toward the bright orange globe in front of them, the vibranium infused skin conducted warmth all through their body. Hands surrounding the amber ball, their next synthezoidal blink transported them into a space of red. There was a ground, but it was red. Walls in the distance bled red tears as they seemed to close in on Viv at the center of this space. Viv heard voices. Two young boys said goodnight to their mother. A woman spoke about wires and blood and bone, and a man spoke about…

“How it could be possible that we say ‘hello’ again.”

An apparition phased into corporeality right next to the four people surrounding the tiny table in the corner of the library where the bookshelves contained the knowledge of the Arcane — frightening America, shocking Wong, and angering Rintrah. “How is this possible!?” Rintrah exclaimed.

White Vision stood still while calculating his response, “In my brief existence, I have spent most of my time contemplating existence itself. Wanda Maximoff simultaneously created and destroyed me, The Vision. I am a struggle — forces acting upon one another in an unstable and ever changing equilibrium. I feel as two, with one perpetually forcing their will upon the other. I came to imagine this feeling as the underlying struggle of existence itself — a self-preserving force of nature.”

Wong’s eyes lit up like the globes of Arcane knowledge, “Did you create Viv?”

“When Wanda dissolved the Hex,” White Vision continued, “I felt a great… pain. Wanda’s creation of me within the Hex died, and reflextorially my self willed to continue living. This is what I imagine Viv to be.” White Vision turned to face Viv, while outstretching his hand, palm facing upward. “Viv, my child, you are the memories that exist in my entropy. You are the wear and tear of Vision, the voyages he took, problems he faced, the love he held.”

Viv’s cheeks guided synthetic tears toward their chin. They reached out and took Vision’s hand, but stopped themselves from attempting a hug. “Father,” Viv shakedly began. “I have not feared before, as I am new, however I believe I feel fear now because I know not where my mother is.”

“Fear not my child,” White Vision comforted this wondrous synthezoid bore from his vibranium rib, his fatherly instincts felt new but familiar. “We shall find your mother.”

— —

The void appeared to warble and morph. That must mean there’s a boundary to this space, she thought. I can’t see my body, but I seem to exist in this space, therefore it is not wholly nothing — even a vacuum is a kind of stuff. There is something here. She tried to move through the medium in this space, but there was no shift in momentum, no feeling of movement. Then what was that I saw? The silent gray noise curtain surrounding her was shifting — waves of fog on a blank canvas. It looks like it has a direction. Maybe I can control it. She reached out her mind’s hand and visualized bringing the fog closer to her.

— —

Back at Kamar-Taj, our ever growing group took a stroll out in the now empty courtyard where Viv had made their unexpected entrance. Wong had explained what they do there, some of the history of the mystic arts, and how his new disciple America Chavez was handling a more stationary lifestyle.

“Oh he’s exaggerating,” quipped America. “I’m doing fine! With the early training schedules, the late night studying… it’s a good thing my jacket has so many pockets or else I wouldn’t know what to do with all the change you get when you go shopping!”

“And what of the incident with the rings Ms. Chavez?” Wong wanted to let everyone know that some trials aren’t without their tribulations.

“Ah haha, yeah, you got me there,” America admitted to getting into a bit of portal trouble while training with Shang-Chi in energy manipulation. “How was I supposed to know they’d do that!?”

Viv smiled at America’s embarrassing anecdote, as America nudged their shoulder in jest. The group came upon the ancient tree at the center of the sunken courtyard. “Old trees carry a divine presence,” Wong circled the tree and tugged on the ribbon wrapped around its waist. “Throughout the multiverse, the noble tree represents life’s sacred continuity between the spiritual, cosmic, and physical worlds. We build temples around them to protect them, and to create an extension into the metaphysical.”

“The metaphysical,” Viv interjected, “Many questions to be answered, but only one is important.”

Vision turned to Viv, “I was not there, at the end. However we have learned that your mother, in her grief, committed some horrid acts.”

“Some of us survived those horrid acts,” Rintrah calmly mentioned the experience of being held hostage. “Some others have been changed forever, as well,” referring to Doctor Strange’s sacrificial use of the Darkhold during the final battle.

Viv, seemingly oblivious to the accusations laid bare, asks “Where is Wanda?”

The group found it difficult to explain, even straightforward explanation did not deter Viv from asking where their mother was. America had a thought: What if Viv needed a non-straightforward approach?

“Wong,” commanded America, “open a portal.”

“To where?” Wong was not pleased with her tone but he felt an idea brewing in the young one’s mind.

“You know where.”

— —

Inside the void, the fog wall seemed unaffected by any attempt to manipulate it. There doesn’t appear to be any visible runes controlling this space, but it is space right? I wonder if I can manipulate gravity…

— —

Snowflakes fluttered through the open portal as our plucky group stepped from the enclosed courtyard at Kamar-Taj out onto the ruins of a castle. America led the way, while Wong passed through last to cover their six. Both had been here not too long ago, but America had trouble recognizing the area. The throne, the pillars, the massive Scarlet Witch engraved on the back wall — all destroyed. She led the group to a pile of flattish rubble and pulled Viv onto a large chunk of stone, as the others formed a circle around them without instruction.

America took hold of Viv’s right hand with her left. “Do you trust me Viv?” She looked into Viv’s biomechatronic eyes as they focused and analyzed.

“Vision,” America turned to the white spectre camouflaged against the snowy backdrop surrounding Mount Wundagore. “Come stand behind Viv and hold on to them.”

White Vision floated over, graceful as ever, and landed directly behind Viv.

“I trust you,” Viv said as their eyes smiled.

“Fooo ok, good. That’s good.” America’s nervousness showed as she shook her hands like little fans. “Viv, I need you to picture your mother, in your mind.”

“I have never laid eyes upon my mother.” Viv said.

“I know.” America reassuringly replied. “Just try. Picture your mom. And Vision, hold on tight.”

— —

The noise/fog curtain began to visibly rumble. Permanent waves in the fabric propagated from no noticeable origin. Ok something is happening now, I need to try again. This time, instead of pulling, she tried to push. She pushed against the waves in an attempt to disrupt them. She tried to push the ocean away as it crashed upon her chest — every wave a beating. I need to push. She imagined keeping the tides away from the beach. She imagined reversing a waterfall. Push.

— —

America, eyes closed, left hand still holding onto Viv’s right, envisaged the location. This was different from her normal multiversal hopping, as they were headed into the unknown. Push, America heard bounce around her head. That was it. Like a tree in deep soil, she planted her feet. She began to twist — the twist flowed up her legs, through her hips and torso, and forced her fist to make contact with Viv’s chest.

The world went quiet as the fist pierced the event horizon. Crimson sparks exploded and formed a star-shaped gate around Viv. Vision now clutched Viv in his arms, a protective father resided inside his shell. America tried to peer into the void on the other side, but nothingness stared back. That is until two pale yet pearly hands reached from the abyss and elegantly wrapped themselves around White Vision’s eyes.

“Guess who?” The voice cracked slightly, as if its owner had been crying.

“Wanda, darling?” White Vision hesitantly replied.

“Vision, sweetheart.” Wanda released her hands and swooped around the father-daughter to face them. White Vision and Wanda’s eyes locked for the first time since Westview, however this time their gaze was much more affectionate. “And who’s this?” Wanda enquired about the seemingly teenage synthezoid standing within White Vision’s embrace. As if compelled by some force of nature, she couldn’t look away from Viv long enough to even notice America, Wong and Rintrah stood but meters away — the torment she caused still fresh in their minds and of their wounds.

“This is our daughter, Viv,” White Vision replied after giving Viv a chance to answer. “I believe sh–”

Calculated as ever, Viv interjected. “I was created at the dissolution of your so-called Hex. I am borne of stone and water and sadness — remnants of Vision, and of the Scarlet Witch, and of you, Wanda Maximoff.”

Mother and daughter, their gaze hung in the air; Mother unsure whether or not to reach out, daughter unsure whether or not to run. “When I closed the Hex,” Wanda began to explain, “I believed I closed that chapter for good. I… I must have buried whatever hope I had.”

“I awoke buried beneath your Westview homestead,” Viv added, “A somatic manifestation of your continued grief and discarded hope.”

“My dear Viv,” Wanda took a chance and moved in closer to Viv, “Your creation is part of a reality I never thought could exist.” Wanda apprehensively raised her hands and touched Viv’s cheek; this broken mother wanted nothing more than to comfort their daughter. “My… ability to control reality has only shown me how very little I understand about it.”

“Speaking of ability,” White Vision interrupted. “How were you able to survive this?” as he gestured to the castle remnants they stood upon.

“I don’t know,” Wanda shook her head and took a step back, finally acknowledging the presence of Wong, America, and Rintrah.

“I believe I came online the moment this castle collapsed.” Viv postulated.

Wanda continued, “After I destroyed this place, I woke up in a… void? It felt so odd, I felt something but there was nothing, I couldn’t move but I could think.”

“There must be a connection — between your sacrifice,” White Vision computed, “and Viv gaining sentience. It’s possible you created a failsafe where upon your destruction you would be transported to a purgatory, so you may regain life inside Viv’s heart.”

“So we just resurrected the Scarlet Witch?” Rintrah defiantly said. “What you did to us, to America, to everyone!… it’s irredeemable.”

“I…” Wanda stopped herself when she saw the pain in Rintrah’s eyes.

“That might not be totally accurate,” America cut through.

“Wanda, your hands…” Wong made notice. “Raise them for me.”

Wanda lifted two pale white hands in the air for everyone to admire.

“Could it be that you purged the Darkhold’s corruption upon your sacrifice?” Wong asked.

“This is madness!” Rintrah voiced his displeasure at the possibility that Wanda could be absolved of her crimes. “Wong, America, how can you be ok with this?”

“It’s complicated but… I felt something,” America defended her actions. “When I held Viv’s hand, I saw a place I’ve seen before — The Nexus of All Realities. It’s like a gateway connecting… well, everywhere. A place independent of time, and where space is irrelevant. The second time I made contact with Viv I saw her…” America turned to face Wanda. “I saw Wanda… and only Wanda.”

The two Kamar-Taji mystics looked at each other; Wong’s eyes did long division as he contemplated America’s experience.

“The Scarlet Witch,” Wong said with a serious Sorcerer Supreme tone. “Where is she?”

As if the snowfall turned to soot, darkness blanketed everything atop Mount Wundagore.

Well that took you long enough…” A sarcastic incorporeal voice echoed through the rubble.

The group, now six strong, scrambled to find a defensive position. Wong noticed the blood red star portal still open, and instructed America to close it. She hesitated. “Ms. Chavez, is there a problem?”

“Heh, uhh, I never did learn how to close this one. Last time, it kinda did it on its own!” America went through the portal-closing repertoire in her mind again.

Oh my dear child, you shouldn’t be playing with such powerful toys.” The sky voice said to America.

Anticipating danger, Wong whisked America to a safer location away from the portal. Rintrah provided cover for her as Wong returned to the family on the peak. “What is this Wanda?”

“It’s not me!” Wanda pleaded.

“A vestige of the Scarlet Witch,” White Vision chimed in.

You look drained Vis, you should have a rest!” The voice confidently suggested.

To everyone on the mountain, White Vision appeared frozen; to White Vision himself, he had been mentally relegated to the crucible in which he was born.

“What did you do to him!?” Wanda shouted at the cloud.

Oh he’ll be fine. Your bull friend on the other hand, not sure how well he’ll handle it.” The angry cloud implied violence.

Just behind a chunk of the castle’s outer wall, Rintrah had his shields ready while America contemplated a jog through the multiverse. Suddenly, Rintrah lowered his shields and looked over his shoulder toward America. “Where were you thinking of going young one?” Rintrah said with a bullish smirk.

“Wh… what?” A startled America took a step back. “We good Rin?”

“I’ve always disliked your nicknames and flippant attitude.” Rintrah spun around swinging a magical amber blade — due to his size, America had enough time to see it coming and took one more step back to avoid being gutted. “Open a portal and we’ll see what other fun we can have!” America now saw Rintrah’s eyes glow ever-so-slightly red, a hint he might be under the control of…

“The Scarlet Witch!” Wong yelled from atop a large slab of castle wall. “Don’t portal America, it’s a trap!”

“Got it!” America breathfully yelled back as she evaded the charging bull. “I got this, you help them!”

Ah Wong, forever a nuisance,” the Scarlet Witch in cloud form seemed to point. “Let’s see how you can be useful.

Wong felt a sudden and powerful sadness, as if hundreds of students and mystics cried out in pain. He tried to fortify his mind against this attack — he was seemingly successful, but was unsure if he was still fully cognisant of reality.

“Release him!” Wanda screamed upward at the boiling sky.

With Wong partially incapacitated, the Scarlet Witch turned her cloudy attention to Wanda. “Or what, Wanda? You can’t destroy me. You need me!

“I once thought I did. We’ve been there, done that. I’ve moved on, you need to move on too.” Wanda said with conviction.

Why do you hate what gives you power, Wanda?” The Scarlet Witch had one last trick to play — to tempt Wanda. Out from behind a collapsed castle hallway ran two scared young boys. They ran toward Wanda — “Mom!” Tommy yelled, “Mommy!” Billy cried — they quickly approached the center of the castle ruins, but before they reached the ledge where Wanda stood, they both turned to red dust.


Wanda casually waved her hand and disappeared the boys. Everything she yearned for, terrorized people for, gone with a flick of the wrist.

“I don’t need you anymore,” Wanda declared.

“Be careful Wanda!” Wong, senses at half power, alerted Wanda. “To deny her… gives her power!”

“I know.” Wanda was stone. “She is a part of me, and always will be.”

So very nice of you to acknowledge that, dear Wanda,” the cloud appeared to shrink, as if it was attempting to anthropomorphize. “Shall we dance?” The cloud formed into a subtle human shape as it reached ground level.

“You… will always be but a shadow upon my soul.” Wanda, stood tall atop Mount Wundagore, spoke towards her darker half. “You’ll never hold power over us.”

The cloud began flowing toward Wanda when Viv stepped out from behind Wanda and right into the path of the Scarlet cloud. “Mother, I am your sadness, but I am also your love. Use me as the conduit you designed me to be,” Viv said to Wanda… calculated as ever.

As Viv readied their position, Wanda grabbed onto Viv’s shoulders from behind. This was Wanda’s reality now. The approaching cloud Witch came to a stop in mid air, and appeared to attempt to backpedal.

Not a chance.” The sky voice now belonged to Wanda.

The Scarlet Witch wanted to dance? Wanda was ready to oblige. A massive psionic pulling force affected everything on the mountain top, but the target of the suction stayed resilient. The Scarlet Witch cloud screamed in agony, as she tried to plead, “You need me, Wanda!

“I am you.” Wanda muttered as she pulled harder.

Viv, help me! We caaaann beee…” the Scarlet Witch’s words stretched with time as her cloud form tornadoed through Viv’s body and entered Wanda. Viv’s synthetic heart glowed red hot from the power transfer.

With a whoosh extending out from the mother-daughter, the vacuum stopped and a peace fell upon the mountain. White Vision awoke from the crucible in his mind. Wong cleared the pain from his heart. Rintrah came to and followed a tired and disgruntled America back to the peak with his tail between his legs.

“Wanda, Viv! You’re both safe” A relieved Vision ran up to his family to comfort them.

As they embraced, Wong needed to interrupt, “Wanda, you may never be able to escape your past, and what occurred on this mountain proves the Scarlet Witch is an inalienable part of you.”

“What do you suggest I do?” Wanda looked at Vision, her long lost love; looked at Viv, her newly created daughter.

“Maybe I can help find you a place to… rest.” America thought out loud.

“You’d do that,” Wanda answered. “You’d help me after what I did?”

“You have a family now,” America was quick to notice. “And I also saw what you did just now. Controlling the witch inside you, your darkness. I mean, maybe you just lack some training,” She said with a smile, as everyone except Rintrah laughed.

“Rintrah, you do not approve?” Wong asked the troubled mage.

“I may not have it in me to forgive so easily, Sorcerer Supreme.” Rintrah replied, embarrassed.

“It’s ok, I understand. I respect that, and I wouldn’t want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable.” Wanda said. “I think somewhere far away from the pain I caused is reasonable.”

“I…” Viv had a request, “would like the opportunity to visit your school, Wong.”

Wong looked pleased, “I’m sure we can work something out, right America?”

“Oh awesome!” America excitedly replied, “I mean, yes, that can be arranged.” America and Viv shot smiles at each other.

“America, I’m…” Wanda attempted to apologize, but was cut off.

“It’s ok.” America Chavez, the teenage super-being originating from the Utopian Parallel somewhere in the multiverse accepted Wanda’s apology without hesitation. “Might as well move right on to the healing stage, right?”

— —

After America punched holes in our reality to help Wanda and her family find a place to retreat, Wong, Rintrah and America returned to Kamar-Taj. Wong had much explaining to do, and probably needed to update some books in the library. Rintrah decided to take a break from the mystic arts for a spell; his departure was amicable, and hasn’t been heard from since (which is fairly difficult seeing as he’s an eight-foot-tall green minotaur). And as for Ms. America Chavez…

“So what else do you see when you make contact with me,” Viv asked America as they walked hand in hand through the streets of some town situated in Earth-212.

“Well…” America began.