13 Instagram Statistics That Will Change Your Marketing Strategy

Andrew J Carr
4 min readOct 20, 2018
“light bulb on pile of books” by Jonathan Simcoe on Unsplash

Marketing on Instagram is a necessity these days if you want your brand to stay competitive. As a platform, Instagram has grown significantly as it approaches the same number of users as Facebook and Twitter. Like other kinds of social media marketing, advertising on Instagram requires a unique approach that’s constantly changing alongside the rise and fall of various trends.

Keeping up with all of the changes can be tough when trying to optimize your marketing campaign, but the best thing to do is keep an eye on the data. Always look through the analytics to see what’s working and what isn’t. There are few better resources than hard data, so check out these 13 Instagram statistics that will change your marketing strategy.

One Billion Active Users

As of a few months ago, Instagram can boast an astounding user base of 1 billion people. While that’s not quite up to Facebook levels of engagement, it effectively dwarfs the number of Twitter and Pinterest users. Instagram’s growth doesn’t seem to be dwindling anytime soon, so make sure you’re taking advantage of the wide audience that can be found there. Ignoring Instagram would be a mistake, and it’s also unwise to underestimate the size of your audience’s presence on that platform.

