6 “Controversial” Things that Will Build a Greek God Physique in Little Time!

Andrew Robeen
2 min readMar 10, 2023


We all want a killer greek-god physique, don’t deny it.

So let’s drop the BS and get to work…

  1. Eating “Healthy” DOESN’T Matter.

Is eating healthy and high protein a great thing? YES!

But cutting fat is a matter of total caloric intake and getting high amounts of protein. So don’t stress the little stuff.

Eat healthy 80% of the time. Eat whatever (within reason) the other 20%.

IIFYM baby!

2. Workout LESS

  • It’s more sustainable
  • Strength comes easily
  • Improves your hormones

All these things are key to body composition.

We want to lose fat and gain muscle. Not lose a little of both.

Stick to 2–3 full body weight sessions + staying active on “off” days.

This is how my Primal Muscle program is structured (more on that later).

3. Carbs are IMPORTANT

Carbs get a lot of hate.

No idea why, since carbs are:

  • key for testosterone
  • the fuel to our muscles
  • muscle sparing in a deficit
  • makes the muscle look full

Drop the fad diets before they drop you!

Low-carb diets increase cortisol, dropping testosterone over 50% in many cases.

If you’re not insulin resistant, carbs are extremely good for you.


  • There is no “fat genes”
  • You just have “fat habits”

New data shows genetics play at most 1.8% of the role in getting shredded.

That’s quite literally ~0.5lbs of fat. It’s YOUR fault!

Even if your hormones are fucked… take responsibility and fix them.

5. Get Jacked from ANYWHERE

You don’t need weights. You don’t need money.

The busiest of entrepreneurs with no “free time” still put on muscle and stay lean. What’s actually needed:

  • you
  • gravity

Heavy weights are optimal. NOT required at all. Use ’em if you can though!

6. The “Big 3” Are OVERRATED

Great strength builders, sure.

  • Not needed for health.
  • Not needed to build muscle.

You can get strong with almost any compound movements you want.

For me it’s Incline Bench, Bulgarian Split Squats, and Weighted Chin-up’s.

That’s my “Big 3.”

Still gets me strong, and is even better for aesthetics.

That’s a wrap, but HOLD ON!…

My latest program “Primal Muscle” is a 13-week strength training program that puts many of these ideas to the test in real-time.

Clients are already stronger and feeling better than ever in less than 90 days! Train like this article in the gym below:

Get Primal Muscle now!

Link above image.



Andrew Robeen

My posts are high testosterone - Helped 81+ men get jacked with high intensity training here: primalmuscleprogram.com