These 5-minute habits will change your life. They did change mine.

Less is more

4 min readOct 4, 2023
Image created by Author in Canva

How many times have you tried to take on a habit and never ended up actually doing that?

How many times have you tried to force yourself to continue with that habit for the benefit rather than out of pure pleasure?

Probably many.

This simple rule will help you to work consciously and productively.

I am certain that all of us have tried to pick up a habit in our lives. It may be waking up early, having a morning routine, doing sports, or going for a walk in the evening.

It can be anything. The key aspect is that we have tried. However, to try is not enough. You have to put in the work.

Perhaps many of you heard about the 21 days it takes to gain a new habit.

“21 days? Yeah, I am not doing that.”

Indeed, in our modern age where people can’t concentrate for 5 minutes how can you push for 21 days? That must sound intimidating in itself and we haven’t even begun talking about the habit itself.

Having a big task makes you procrastinate

Once I saw an edit with the interview of Will Smith. He gave a perfect example of this.

