not blood no problem

anthony ware
1 min readDec 18, 2014

not blood no problem
night sky to their shining stars
dull glow without you

— from Friend, a collection in The 22xx22 Project

haiku by :: Zen Doughboy

Haikus with Purpose: To Save Lives (more info)
2 Days left: Please support our 2014 Catalyst Campaign. Help save a life by helping us make The 22x22 Project a reality. Our goal is to raise $8,500 by December 19th via selling awesome gifts for individuals and businesses (digital copies of the books, personal screenings of the film, 2-day personal workshops, and more).

100% of profits of both books and the documentary film will be donated to organizations and youth-led suicide prevention projects.

The 22×22 Project: A Haiku, Visual Arts and Documentary Film Project for Suicide Awareness & Prevention



anthony ware

human being x mental wealth x biz culture // Principal @ AWare Catalysts // ❤️ culture +travel ✈️