TAG’s tips for travel no.4: Take Motion Sickness Pills

Brett Jenae Tomlin
2 min readAug 4, 2021

If you’ve got a nervous tummy like mine, you’ve probably had some less-than-stellar moments in locomotion. Turbulence and winding roads have never been good friends of mine and I’m proud to say that I am beginning to embrace the pre-motion motion sickness pill.

Have you ever been like: it might be fine and then it WAS NOT FINE!? This last trip I decided, to heck with all that, I’m going to take a motion sickness pill in the morning just in case.

“Sequoia hugger”

Do you know that you can drive an hour in Yosemite National Park and still be in Yosemite? It’s true. Also, the roads are uphill and winding, or downhill and winding as the case may be. I could not have hugged this tree if it were not for my chalky, metallic remedy (#noregrets). Our flights in and out of Cali were actually okay, but I knew I wasn’t going to be sick because I had already taken a pill!! It. Was. FABULOUS.

No more “Maybe I can push through this time.” No more leaving it up to the gods of turbulence to stay silent, only to find myself disappointed, miserable, gray-green and entirely turbulent.

Find one that doesn’t make you sleepy and TAKE IT. Take it before you go, go, go. Take it because gray-green isn’t our color. Take it because an upset tum-tum is the fastest way to a mini-mental meltdown.

Take it and hug those trees, Y’all. Who’s gonna hug ’em if not you!?

Big Love & Happy Travels,

Brett Jenae, The Anxious Girl



Brett Jenae Tomlin

Brett lives in Dallas with her partner and their dogs. She loves to write about living broadly and bravely with anxiety.