Telegram has 70,000 members. Here’s why.

Anything App
2 min readMay 7, 2018


Dear all,

As you will have noticed, we have an insanely large Telegram community. So large, in fact, that I’m sure it will raise some doubts with the more skeptical (as you should be!) individuals among us. I know it would certainly raise doubts with me, if I were sitting on your side of the table.

Therefore, to be fully transparent, I’d like to explain how we reached this size, in addition to what the pros and cons are.

  • Primarily, nearly all of it is due to our successful bounty program in Telegram, which went viral. In fact, it made the press a few times. Check out and The Bounty program can be found at
  • We had record growth, reaching +25,000 users in just a single day, with steady growth ever since; MoneyBot is really cool and we’re also paying well for referrals.

So then which other things do we have to be aware of when looking at our community as it is today on 07th of May?

  • It’s full of bounty hunters. They help us to get our referrals out, follow us on Twitter and do all the other tasks that bounty people do. It also means they don’t communicate too much inside our group as, well, it doesn’t pay.
  • We’ve noticed that some of these users have written scripts to refer users to our community. We have specifically stated in MoneyBot that this is illegal behaviour, that these people will be banned and that no rewards will be allocated to any person engaged in this behavior. Due to time constraints, we haven’t gotten around to this task yet, but we will.
  • This means we’ll still organize a clean-up.
  • Deleting these users now will result in a drop of group members in Telegram. While this normally wouldn’t be an issue, it will cause confusion for people in the community and on other listing websites.
  • People sophisticated enough to write scripts to add users to MoneyBot will also be able to do nasty things to us when we delete and ban them; it’s best for us not to make enemies early on.

We’ll make sure to effectively channel our bounty hunters to make Anything App a massive success. Press is starting to come in, we’re doing podcasts, interviews and everything else is well underway. With still 21 days until the pre-sale, we have massive amounts of time left.

Thank you for your support and we hope you’ll appreciate us writing this article. We certainly appreciate you taking the time to read it! Take care.



Anything App

The Anything App is a knowledge-selling platform where you can call, video-call and chat with others. Your knowledge is valuable. Open yourself to the world!