There is something intensely romantic about Roger Guetta and his imagery. One of the finest mobile artists in the world today, Guetta is a painter of the mysteries of perception and being. His vision, accurately understood, is one of the most liberating ever created in mobile art.

This is our new interview section for mobile photographers and mobile artists and we hope to be filling it very soon with vast explosions of thought and imagery. These questions are designed to explore the artist behind the work, to get to know them a little more intimately.

We recently published our first ‘Brought to Light’ Interview with Andrea Bigiarini, Founder of the New Era Museum and FIPA Florence International Photography Awards as well as writer, author, Imagineer and digital artist, if you missed that, please go here. We then went on to publish an instinctively gifted artist, Ile Mont, if you missed that please go here.

Today we are delighted to publish our third ‘Brought To Light’ Interview, this time with 64 year old Guetta. He tells me for 47 of those years he has involved himself in painting, writing, film making, acting, directing in theatre and film, photography and teaching.

Describe a moment that changed your life

I was 17 years old, travelling around Europe after a year of boring economic studies at university. Economics, only because for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what to do with my life.

I was visiting all the major museums and found myself fascinated by artists and their visions. One day in Florence, I entered a space which housed a very long hallway. I walked it and at its end I was confronted by the most spectacular object I have ever encountered.

It’s not that I hadn’t been exposed to magnificence before. I was born in Cairo, so the Pyramids…. duh! My family left during the Suez crises and landed in Paris before emigrating to Canada. We stayed for six months so I had the chance to experience the Eiffel Tower…duh! I remember feeling a tingle or two, even a ripple of goose bumps but nothing prepared me for what I saw at the end of that hallway.


To use the phrases of my (60’s) generation….. It blew my mind, it socked it to me, I was having an out of body experience (and I wasn’t even high.) When I finally found my bearings, Roger left the building, bought a sketch book and some pencils and began to draw for the first time. He, that is… I… returned to Montréal, switched my major from Economics to Fine Arts.

The rest is history. A beautiful and sumptuous life in the arts and academia.

‘Endless’ — ©Roger Guetta

To read the rest of this interview, please go here —



The world's most popular Mobile Photography & Art Website. Coolumnist for Vogue and Contributing Editor for LensCulture.