10 Signs Your Boss Values You: How to Know You’re Making an Impact

Ezinne “Zini” O., MBA
4 min readApr 28, 2023


Photo by Levi XU on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered if your boss truly appreciates you? It’s a common concern for many employees, and with reason: feeling valued and appreciated at work can make a significant difference in your job satisfaction and overall sense of fulfillment. Fortunately, there are several ways to determine whether your boss truly values you.

In this article, we’ll look at ten indicators that your boss sees you as a valuable team member and is invested in your success. If you’re looking for reassurance, ways to improve your relationship with your boss, or simply want to know if you’re truly valued at work, keep reading to learn the telltale signs.

  1. Your boss actively seeks your opinion and values your input on important decisions: This shows that your boss sees you as a valuable member of the team and values your perspective. It also suggests that your boss has confidence in your abilities and trusts you to provide thoughtful and informed input.
  2. Your boss frequently gives you positive feedback and acknowledges your hard work and contributions: When your boss takes the time to recognize your efforts and accomplishments, it not only feels good, but it also helps to reinforce your sense of value and contribution to the team.
  3. You are included in important meetings and discussions, and your boss trusts you to represent the team or department: Being invited to participate in important meetings and discussions is a clear sign that your boss sees you as a valuable contributor to the team. It also suggests that your boss trusts you to represent the team and make meaningful contributions to the conversation.
  4. Your boss includes you in discussions about career growth and development, and provides you with opportunities for professional development: When your boss takes an interest in your career growth and development, it signals that they see potential in you and want to invest in your future with the company. This can take the form of mentoring, training, or other professional development opportunities.
  5. You receive challenging assignments and projects that stretch your skills and abilities: Being given challenging assignments and projects can be a sign that your boss sees your potential and trusts you to take on more responsibility. It also provides an opportunity for you to grow your skills and take on new challenges.
  6. Your boss seeks out your advice and guidance on issues or problems, and trusts your judgment: When your boss seeks out your input on issues or problems, it suggests that they value your expertise and trust your judgment. This can be an opportunity for you to provide valuable input and demonstrate your leadership skills.
  7. You have a good working relationship with your boss, characterized by open communication, mutual respect, and trust: Having a positive working relationship with your boss can make a big difference in how valued you feel. When there is open communication, mutual respect, and trust, it can create a supportive and collaborative work environment.
  8. Your boss advocates for you within the organization, promotes your achievements, and supports your career advancement: A boss who advocates for you within the organization is one who sees your potential and is invested in your success. This can take the form of promoting your achievements, nominating you for awards, or providing you with opportunities for career advancement.
  9. Your boss goes out of their way to show appreciation for your hard work, whether through bonuses, promotions, or other rewards: When your boss takes the time to show appreciation for your hard work, it can help to reinforce your sense of value and contribution to the team. This can take the form of bonuses, promotions, or other rewards.
  10. Your boss seeks to retain you as an employee and is willing to invest time and resources into your professional development and growth within the company: When your boss is invested in your career growth and development, it suggests that they see you as a valuable asset to the team and the company as a whole. This can create a sense of loyalty and commitment to the organization, and can lead to a long and fulfilling career with the company.

To summarize, feeling valued and appreciated at work is critical for job satisfaction and happiness. Congratulations if you recognize several of the signs discussed in this article — it’s clear that your boss values your contributions and is invested in your success. If not, don’t be discouraged; there are always ways to improve your relationship with your boss and demonstrate your worth as a team member. Keep these indicators in mind as you progress in your career, and keep in mind that feeling valued and appreciated begins with valuing and appreciating yourself. Continue your excellent work!



Ezinne “Zini” O., MBA

Strategy & Execution - My Superpowers ⚡️ I also inspire, guide, & drive teams towards success while aligning with org goals & adapting to evolving challenges.