QuickFireTheatre Interview: Lorne MacFadyen

Alasdair Hunter
1 min readAug 2, 2017


Today’s #quickfiretheatre interview is with Lorne MacFadyen!

How would you describe what you do?

Fun! Totally fascinating, sometimes excruciating, sometimes beautiful!

What theatre inspires you most?

I love theatre which is able to relate to and move any audience, however that may be.

What’s your dream role/project?

I don’t have a dream role! But I do like the prospect of a challenge.

What’s your favourite play?

Again I’m not sure, but probably something by Arthur Miller.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Someone once told me that life’s not a race!

What advice would you give to someone starting out?

As bleak as this might sound I would say go in with no expectations. But seriously, if you don’t feel as if you’re owed anything then anything you get is a bonus :)

What are you up to next?

Next up I’m doing a wee part in Lenny Abrahamson’s next film ‘The Little Stranger’ which is great, love his work and I’m also working with Peter Gill on a reading of his play ‘Certain Young Men’ at the National Theatre next week.

