Mar 20, 2024


Hi there, I hope you are feeling better since you posted this. You are being called to just move through the emotions, you don't need to always apply logic or define the feelings. I haven't posted in 2 weeks because I was being called to rest as I am so exhausted by the energies lately. It must be the collective energies in addition to my own internal processes. In my latest message my guides ask us to practice gratitude and to "celebrate the little victories." Too often do we focus on the big picture and big results, we don't realize how far we have actually come and how much we transformed from a day, a month, a year ago. Just know you are not alone in your feelings. This Spring promises to give us more action opportunities to release this type of energy. Sending you much love x




newly awakened | lightworker | energy healer channeled messages for the new earth & newly awakened. may they expand your light & awareness. you are not alone.