Karate Vs Cucumber: A Comparison of Two Popular Automated Testing Tools

3 min readFeb 2, 2023


Automated testing is an important aspect of software development that helps to ensure the quality and reliability of applications. There are many automated testing tools available in the market, each with its own unique features and capabilities.

As an automation tester, choosing the right tool for web UI automation can be a crucial decision. In this article, we will compare two popular automated testing tools: Karate and Cucumber.

Karate is an open-source tool for testing web services and APIs. It is a full-stack testing solution that provides a simple and concise way to write and run tests for web services and APIs. Karate is built on top of the Cucumber framework and leverages the Cucumber syntax for writing tests. It also provides a library of pre-written test steps and support for data-driven testing.

Even a novice user can write and automate using Karate UI :)

Cucumber, on the other hand, is a tool that supports behavior-driven development (BDD) and is primarily used for testing web applications. It allows teams to write tests in plain English and has a simple, easy-to-understand syntax. Cucumber also provides a way to write reusable test scripts, which can be used across multiple projects.

Writing a cucumber feature file is easy, but the pain is the step definition file related to this feature file :(

One of the key differences between Karate and Cucumber is their approach to testing. Karate focuses on testing APIs and web services, while Cucumber is primarily used for testing web applications. This means that Karate is better suited for testing the back-end of an application, while Cucumber is more focused on testing the front-end.

Another key difference between Karate and Cucumber is their test writing syntax. Karate uses a syntax that is similar to Cucumber, but with a few differences. For example, Karate provides a simplified syntax for writing test steps and allows developers to write tests in a more concise and readable way. Cucumber, on the other hand, uses a more traditional approach to writing tests, with a focus on writing tests in plain English.

In terms of test execution, both Karate and Cucumber provide a simple and easy-to-use interface for executing tests. However, Karate provides a more streamlined and efficient way of running tests, as it is built specifically for testing APIs and web services. Cucumber, on the other hand, provides a more flexible and configurable way of executing tests, which makes it better suited for testing web applications.

In terms of performance, Karate is faster and more efficient than Cucumber. This is due to the fact that Karate is built specifically for testing APIs and web services, and it has a smaller and more streamlined code base. Cucumber, on the other hand, has a more complex code base and is slower and less efficient than Karate.

Finally, in terms of support and community, both Karate and Cucumber have strong communities and are well-supported by their respective development teams. Karate has a large and active community of developers and users, who provide support and contribute to the development of the tool. Cucumber also has a large and active community, and it is widely used and well-supported by its development team.

In conclusion, both Karate and Cucumber are powerful and effective automated testing tools, and the choice between them will depend on the specific needs and requirements of each project. Karate is better suited for testing APIs and web services, while Cucumber is better suited for testing web applications. Both tools are well-supported and have strong communities, and they provide a simple and efficient way to write and run tests. Ultimately, the choice between Karate and Cucumber will depend on the specific requirements and needs of each project, and developers should carefully consider their options before making their final decision.

If you are looking for Karate tutorial, follow me here:




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