Best Places to Visit on the Balkans

The Balkan Multiculturalist
2 min readJan 12, 2024


Oh, the Balkans!

It’s like stepping into a world where every corner tells a story, don’t you think?

Imagine we’re chatting over coffee, and I’m sharing my own travel tales about this amazing part of Europe.

Photo by Valiant Made on Unsplash

Let’s start with Serbia, my home country.

Serbia, my home

Picture us hiking in Tara National Park, surrounded by nature’s raw beauty, or staring in wonder at Uvac Canyon’s twists and turns. And if you’re not in the mood for walks in the nature, imagine evenings in Belgrade and Novi Sad (this one’s definitely my favorite ;) ), where the past and present dance together in the city streets.

Summer in Montenegro

Now, Montenegro — nature’s own masterpiece. Imagine us cruising along the Bay of Kotor, with scenery straight out of a postcard.

And Durmitor National Park? Tiny as it is, Montenegro is full of surprises, from its sunny beaches to its old towns like Budva and Ulcinj.

Croatia’s beautiful coastlines

Croatia’s coastline? Absolutely breathtaking!

It’s like walking through different eras of history. Dubrovnik’s ancient walls tell tales of the past, while the Plitvice Lakes are natural wonders. And then there’s Split, with its living history, and Hvar, where the island’s charm is as bright as the sun.

Albania, a newly found love

Albania, now that’s a story not told enough.

Its Riviera is like an untouched paradise, with beaches that would steal your heart. Tirana is a vibrant mix of styles and colors, and in Berat, it feels like stepping into a painting, with those charming houses.

Greece, the historical landmark

And Greece, oh Greece!

Each island is like a different chapter of an epic story. Imagine us hopping from the lively streets of Mykonos to the serene beauty of Santorini, diving into history in Crete, and then setting sail around the Ionian Islands. It’s like living in a myth.

Our Balkan journey is like flipping through a book filled with diverse tales and experiences. It’s a place where each country doesn’t just share a story, it invites you into it.

Whether you’re into nature, history, or just soaking in different cultures, the Balkans never run out of jewels.



The Balkan Multiculturalist

PhD student. Author of 2 books. Writing 📜 Running 🏃‍♂️ Meditation 💭 Join me to discover a different perspective. Languages: 🇭🇺🇷🇸🇺🇸🇩🇪