Stuff I Like That’s Good
— Day 22 —
Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds

Or, why the chances of anything coming from Mars are a million-to-one.

Landon Beall
2 min readJun 22, 2015

A few years back, an acquaintance of mine introduced me to Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds, and it completely blew me away.

Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds is a musical that doubles as a concept album.

Throughout the musical, audiences are treated to a symphonic rock score and the brilliant narration of Richard Burton.

Various characters from Wells’ original novel sing throughout the musical, while other tracks mesh with the concept album vibe of the production to generate a “feel” for what’s happening.

My favorite song from the album is definitely the opening track. It jives well with the proceeding tracks, while also being incredibly catchy.

In 2012, Jeff Wayne revisited his original musical and produced an updated, modernized version with Liam Neeson in the staring role. As a huge Liam Neeson fan, I was definitely pleased.

So if you’re a fan of musicals, a fan of science fiction, or just a fan of Liam Neeson or Richard Burton, give Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds a shot. It’s well worth your time.

Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds. It’s a musical I like, and it is good. Check it out sometime.

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Landon Beall

Christian | Creator of Story Bake on Youtube| Writer & Director | Audio Dramas with @pendantweb | Myst = GOAT