13 ‘stupidly simple’ money rules- from a couple who retired with $1 million before 35

Benedict Goh
7 min readJul 31, 2022

Steve Adcock and his wife retired early at 35 and 33, respectively, after accumulating $870,000 working in information technology. With the help of the market, their net worth increased to $1 million shortly after.

Here’re the 13 rules that they lived by to help them retire in their 30s.

  1. I ignored the “follow your passion” advice.

Our passions, which tend to be more on the creative side, can’t always pay the bills — our strengths do.

“Follow your passion” is a phrase that’s been heard all too often. The problem with this is that our passions do not always pay the bills.

Build a career around what you’re good at, while pursuing your passion on the side. Once the income from your passion exceeds the income you get from your day job, that’s when you can decide to pursue your passion. Until then, keep working at it.

2. I learned from millionaires



Benedict Goh

I write about investing, and share my reflections from building a lifestyle business | benedictgoh.substack.com