A guide to perform web queries in DAPP (Part 2)

2 min readJul 17, 2018


After understanding the mechanism of Oraclize in Part 1, we can dive into details of implementing a DAPP.

We are going to implement a contract that:

  • fetch the latest BTC/USD data using coindesk api
  • update every 60s

Note that the fixer.io api used in the Oraclize official website is deprecated. And the coindesk api used in this example may also be deprecated in the future. So validate the api before following this tutorial.

Using the Oraclize api

The contract should be a child of the contract usingOraclize

However, you may find that the import statement doesn’t work. A quick solution is to download the oraclize.solfile to your project directory from their repo. And import oraclize.sol using the solidity import statement:

import "oraclize.sol";

Adding functions to make query

Then we are going to implement some more features:

  • update every 60s
  • using the “URL” data soruce type
  • using json parsing helper to get the .rates.GBP attribute

By adding a theupdataPricefunction in the callback. The update process will initiate itself again. We specify the updataPrice function to execute after 60s. So we will get a new piece of data after every 60s.

Handling data

Then we define a handler function that will log the data.

event LogPriceUpdated(string price); //a function that will log the input string

Putting it all together

We skip some of the features in order to keep it simple and clean. This is the minimal viable code snippet of using Oraclize to make web query.

The whole code snippet

The code is originally from http://docs.oraclize.it/#ethereum-quick-start.

Originally published at gist.github.com.

