Top 5 Must-Have Features of a Successful Coworking Space for Startups

The Biz Buzz
17 min readApr 18, 2024


Features of a Successful Coworking Space
Features of a Successful Coworking Space

Imagine a place where innovation buzzes through the air, collaboration is the currency, and opportunities for growth are around every corner. Coworking spaces have emerged as vibrant hubs for startups, providing them with more than just a desk and Wi-Fi. In a crowded market, the perks of a coworking space can make or break the success of burgeoning enterprises. As we dive into the top features that define a successful coworking space for startups, understand these shared workspaces offer a mix of community, affordability, and flexibility, all crucial for the unpredictable journey of entrepreneurship.

Canada’s landscape is dotted with diverse styles of coworking spaces. From exclusive membership-driven environments to corporate incubators, each offers a unique breeding ground for ideas and enterprise. Location is a vital ingredient, with the urban bustle providing a different flavor of inspiration compared to the calm of suburban retreats. Choice of location often translates into strategic advantages, shaping the nature of work and the networking dynamics within these collaborative ecosystems.

Amenities are more than mere conveniences; they are the lifeblood that sustains day-to-day productivity and sparks creativity. Ranging from ergonomic sanctuaries bathed in natural light to high-tech meeting rooms, each feature plays a pivotal role in crafting an enviable workspace. As we explore these essential elements, consider how they synergize to foster a community where networking is as natural as morning coffee, and innovation is the common language spoken by a diverse assembly of professionals and dreamers alike.

Benefits of coworking spaces for entrepreneurs

Coworking spaces have revolutionized the way entrepreneurs and independent contractors approach work, particularly in Canada, where innovation and networking are highly valued. These spaces uniquely blend the benefits of a traditional office with the flexibility required by today’s dynamic business landscape. Cost-effective and professional, coworking environments offer a middle ground between the distractions of a home office and the formality of a conventional workplace. With access to a wide array of resources, support from a community, and opportunities for networking, coworking spaces can dramatically improve an entrepreneur’s productivity and business prospects.

Collaboration and networking opportunities

Coworking spaces serve as vibrant hubs for collaboration, exposing entrepreneurs to a multitude of networking opportunities. By sharing workspaces, entrepreneurs frequently encounter other professionals offering complementary services such as graphic design, legal advice, or digital marketing. This proximity can spur organic partnerships and client referrals, proving far more efficient and cost-effective than traditional marketing strategies. Moreover, startups often discover valuable business contacts within their coworking community, accessing vital expertise and services effortlessly. These collaborative environments also present chances to link up with talented individuals like summer interns, thereby fostering symbiotic relationships and opportunities for innovation.

Access to a community of like-minded individuals

Being surrounded by motivated and ambitious individuals can greatly enhance an entrepreneur’s drive and resilience. Coworking spaces attract diverse professionals who share similar passions and pursuits, creating a fertile ground for career advancement through mutual support. The atmosphere within these shared workplaces can be instrumental in not only salvaging a business on the brink but also in propelling it to new heights by fostering strong connections and potential client leads. A coworking community offers the ability to collaborate, solve problems together, and nurture a professional network, leading to tangible returns on investment and overall business growth.

Professional and collaborative environment

Coworking spaces are the epitome of professional yet flexible working environments. They offer the structure and ambiance of a traditional office while also encouraging a spirit of collective effort and autonomy. Coworking users often report higher levels of job satisfaction owing to the meaningful interactions and collaborations experienced within these spaces. With access to a variety of professionals from disparate fields, these environments naturally promote innovation and the kind of idea exchange that is invaluable in today’s competitive marketplace.

Flexibility and affordability

One of the most significant advantages of coworking spaces is their highly adaptable nature. With pricing structures that can accommodate entrepreneurs at differing stages of business development, these spaces provide a range of options from monthly memberships to hourly rates, all without the daunting financial commitments associated with traditional real estate. This model is particularly beneficial for expanding startups, which require the agility to scale up operations without being burdened by fixed long-term leases. Resultantly, coworking spaces offer an economic sanctuary for startups and freelancers, who can enjoy the amenities and environment of a full-fledged office at a fraction of the cost.

Access to amenities and resources

Coworking spaces in Canada are well-equipped with a broad spectrum of amenities and resources that cultivate a conducive working atmosphere. Ranging from high-speed internet to conference rooms and state-of-the-art coffee machines, these amenities ensure entrepreneurs can work efficiently and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Beyond the tangible assets, coworking spaces also offer intangible benefits, such as providing a network of supportive peers ready to offer advice, share experiences, or simply lend an ear during challenging phases. The environment fosters collaboration, allowing members to join forces for brainstorms, research, and feedback sessions, thereby enhancing collective success and individual satisfaction.

types of coworking space canada

Types of coworking spaces in Canada

Canada’s entrepreneurial landscape is witnessing an accelerating growth in coworking spaces, as they become increasingly popular among professionals seeking flexible and engaging work environments. These spaces cater to a diverse clientele that ranges from startups to freelancers, and remote workers to large corporations. Recognizing various needs, coworking spaces in Canada offer different formats and niches.

Platforms like WeWork have brought a global recognition and a consistent level of services which cater to a broad audience. These are appealing for their network effect, where individuals and businesses can connect not just locally but potentially on an international scale.

Local community-centric spaces, such as District Ventures and innovation hubs, cater to specific types of startups and entrepreneurs who are looking for industry-focused communities. Here, businesses can take advantage of sector-specific resources and networks.

Spaces like LAB T.O. are set up with the creative in mind, those digital nomads who seek a vibrant, eclectic community. Meanwhile, Make Lemonade in Toronto creates a niche offering with their women-focused coworking environment, providing a support system and emphasis on female entrepreneurship.

The Canadian coworking scene is rich and varied, a reflection of the broader trend of professionals seeking out workspaces that offer more than just a desk, but an entire ecosystem that supports their business and lifestyle choices.

Membership-based workspaces

Membership-based coworking spaces in Canada function on the principle of community and shared resources, where members enjoy the flexibility and convenience of a modern professional environment. These spaces skillfully blend private offices with expansive communal areas to accommodate different working styles and preferences.

Members of such spaces have reported feeling a sense of thriving, partly attributed to the professional setting and social interactions within these communities. Scoring an average of nearly 6 on a 7-point thriving scale, it becomes evident why coworking stints are often more satisfying than traditional office roles.

For entrepreneurs and freelancers, these spaces are not just about accessing a desk; they are gateways to potential collaborations, business ventures, and networking. In a country like Canada, where business opportunities can be as diverse as its population, these spaces provide a unique platform for a variety of professionals to gather, exchange ideas, and foster growth.

Independent coworking spaces

Independent coworking spaces in Canada serve as a boon for freelancers, startups, and remote workers who yearn for flexibility and a separation from their home life. These spaces cater to the independent spirit of modern professionals, offering a conducive workspace that encourages both focus and collaboration, without the long-term financial commitment of a traditional office lease.

These environments also offer unparalleled networking opportunities, enabling members to connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs. For freelancers, particularly, the cost-effectiveness of these spaces is compelling. They can enjoy the perks of an office, such as meeting rooms, high-speed internet, and coffee machines, without the hefty price tag.

Coworking spaces allow for a structured yet autonomous work-life, where professionals can select their optimum work environment based on their individual productivity peaks and troughs. With the emphasis on community and support, these independent spaces provide a refuge for those seeking a balance between professional growth and personal flexibility.

Coworking spaces within larger corporations

Seeing the benefits of coworking spaces, even larger corporations in Canada are integrating similar concepts within their realms. Corporate offices, such as those of Ricoh, lean into these models to spark innovation, gather insightful feedback, and adapt to a more flexible working culture.

From coworking experiences, corporations can draw lessons that impact their own office designs, focusing on flexibility, community-building, and creating purpose-driven workspaces. These designs seek to emulate the control and meaningful experiences found in coworking spaces, appealing to a workforce that values autonomy and collaboration.

Furthermore, businesses are exploring coworking models to enhance connectivity and interaction among teams. By stepping outside their traditional office confines, these companies are fostering a more dynamic and interconnected community, akin to the vibrant ecosystems thriving within independent coworking spaces.

Location considerations

The success of a coworking space is intrinsically tied to its location, with the right setting being a key driver of both foot traffic and consequent revenue. Entrepreneurs in Canada need to be strategic in their site selection, looking for spaces that offer not just convenience but also the potential to draw in a vibrant community of professionals. A coworking space’s location influences the impression it makes and, by extension, the credibility it lends to its tenants.

To optimize occupancy rates, a coworking space should be situated in an area that benefits from high foot traffic, is readily accessible via public transportation, and lies within easy reach of various amenities — such as inviting coffee shops, eateries, and retail outlets that could serve as informal meeting spots or breaks from work. Furthermore, understanding the demographic trends, including population growth, the density of startups, freelancers, and a supportive economic climate, can assist in selecting a market that’s ripe for coworking facilities.

Rigorous market research plays a pivotal role in mapping out the demand for coworking spaces. By gauging the unique needs of potential tenants, entrepreneurs can ensure that the chosen location aligns with their prospects’ professional lifestyles, boosting both perceived value and actual patronage.

Urban vs. suburban coworking spaces

Urban coworking spaces resonate with the hustle and bustle of Canada’s city centers, appealing predominantly to freelancers, remote workers, and startups who crave the vibrancy and immediacy of an urban setting. These spaces burst with dynamic energy, promoting continuous networking and spontaneous collaboration.

Conversely, suburban coworking spaces attract a different clientele. Here, the landscape shifts to accommodate larger businesses and professionals seeking tranquility away from the city’s clamor. With more space at their disposal, suburban coworking hubs can offer additional benefits like ample parking and outdoor areas, making them a preferred choice for those seeking a calmer, more spacious work environment.

The choice between urban and suburban coworking spaces usually boils down to personal preference and the nature of one’s work. While urban locations prickle with opportunity, the suburban offer the allure of a relaxed ambiance, both settings harboring the potential to foster productivity and business growth.

Accessibility to transportation and amenities

A well-located coworking space is a magnet for professionals in Canada, where accessibility to public transportation serves as the lifeblood of mobility. Amidst the array of options, spaces that flourish are those that weave convenience and connectivity into their very fabric, marrying close proximity to transit lines with a catalystic mix of local amenities.

The lure of a coworking space is heightened significantly when the commute is easy and the day-to-day needs are within arm’s reach. Coffee shops, restaurants, and retail outlets not only provide relief and diversion for remote workers and entrepreneurs but also serve as nodes for socializing and informal networking — crucial elements that fuel the spirit of entrepreneurship.

Spaces that master the blend of strategic location with seamless access to public transport and vibrant local amenities carve out a niche for themselves, promising a productive and enriching work environment for the legion of digital nomads seeking just such a spot.

Proximity to target market and potential clients

For coworking spaces to thrive, they must embed themselves within the heart of their target market. Proximity matters — being near to potential clients and fellow entrepreneurs fosters a community ripe for the cross-pollination of ideas and opportunity. A coworking space that is easily accessible to its clientele is more likely to catalyze networking events, workshops, and collaborations that are the lifeblood of a blooming business ecosystem.

This closeness not only facilitates a better grasp of client needs — leading to customized services and amenities — but it also keeps the coworking space attuned to the pulse of its tenants’ industries. Satisfied tenants and the resulting long-term relationships are essential for the sustained success of a coworking space, with ease of access to clients and partners being a crucial factor in tenant retention.

Locating a coworking space strategically within reach of where potential clients conduct business enhances the prospect for client acquisition, engagement, and the overall profitability of the venture, making it a win-win for both the space operators and their entrepreneurial tenants.

Amenities and facilities

Coworking spaces have become a cornerstone for startups, freelancers and small businesses in Canada, providing a plethora of amenities and facilities that are both beneficial and cost-effective. The value proposition for entrepreneurs transcends basic office equipment and internet access; these collaborative hubs provide refreshments, mail services, and additional resources typically included in the rent cost. For startups, this setup is invaluable for talent management and offers the flexibility needed to attract a diverse workforce. Freelancers enjoy the collaborative atmosphere that spurs productivity and opens doors to new networking opportunities.

Coworking spaces are not just about a desk; they are about the added value of community-building activities. Regular networking events, social gatherings, and workshops are the norm, fostering a community that underpins business growth and collaboration. Facility operators must maintain high tenant satisfaction with cutting-edge amenities, ensuring their spaces meet regulatory compliance and stay ahead of the curve. A thriving coworking space dynamically responds to the evolving needs of its tenants, providing a business ecosystem conducive to innovation and success.

Office spaces options (hot desks, dedicated desks, private offices)

Coworking spaces in Canada offer a variety of office space options to suit different working styles and budgets. Hot desks are perfect for those who enjoy flexibility; this option allows access to any available desk on a first-come, first-served basis. For professionals looking for a touch more stability without committing to a private office, dedicated desks provide a fixed spot in the shared environment. Meanwhile, private offices give businesses and individuals their own enclosed space, accommodating the need for confidentiality and quiet.

The ability to select from hot desks, dedicated desks, and private offices enables users to customize their coworking experience to their specific needs. Whether it’s the social buzz of an open-plan area or the concentration afforded by a private office, Canada’s coworking spaces offer an adaptable solution for entrepreneurs and professionals alike.

Meeting rooms and event spaces

A feature that elevates coworking spaces is the availability of professional meeting rooms. These are designed to give clients confidence, portraying a level of establishment akin to traditional offices. Additionally, the flexibility to scale up operations with ease is supported by short-term rental agreements, often spanning three months or less. The presence of other entrepreneurs provides an environment rife with opportunities for collaboration, alongside networking and training events that enhance the sense of community and open new doors for business growth.

Access to technology and high-speed internet

Today’s digital landscape necessitates reliable internet and access to advanced technology, which coworking spaces in Canada readily provide. With high-speed Wi-Fi connections and a range of tech amenities, these spaces support digital nomads, remote workers, and entrepreneurs alike, enabling them to meet deadlines and maintain focus. The structured yet dynamic settings of coworking spaces provide the technological underpinnings necessary for professionals to strategize and operate effectively.

On-site services (printing, mailing, receptionist)

Beyond desk space, coworking facilities often include a suite of on-site services that contribute to a seamless work experience. These could consist of mailing and printing services, administrative support from a receptionist, secure bike lock-ups, and even showers for those who commute on two wheels or like to exercise during the day. The inclusion of these amenities ensures that members have all they need in one place, fostering a productive and convenient workspace.

Communal areas (lounges, kitchen, rooftop patios)

Spaces like Ideal Coworking and CoMotion on King are stellar examples of coworking spaces that embody the essence of community through their design of communal areas. These areas, whether it’s a lounge with modern rustic décor, a fully-equipped kitchen, or even a rooftop patio for sunny days, greatly enhance the coworking experience. They don’t just serve as places to work, but as social hubs where members can relax, network, and participate in business development programs.

Natural light and ergonomic workspaces

Coworking spaces prioritize the comfort and well-being of their members, which is why many offer work areas bathed in natural light and equipped with ergonomic furniture. Notable spaces, like Werklab in Vancouver, boast thoughtfully designed interiors that emphasize holistic wellness. Ergonomically designed chairs, desks at the right height, and ample lighting are intrinsic features that contribute to member productivity and satisfaction. L’Atelier in Vancouver is another example, emphasizing an attractive and thoughtful design aesthetic that recognizes the impact of a well-designed workspace on creativity and efficiency.

Community and networking opportunities

Coworking spaces in Canada excel in fostering significant connections between entrepreneurs from a spectrum of industries, offering an ideal landscape for crafting a robust professional network. Entrepreneurs and freelancers often find themselves engaging with potential partners and experts merely a few desks away, enhancing the potential for collaboration. This proximity to a diverse professional pool is instrumental for word-of-mouth marketing, often leading to fresh business opportunities without resorting to traditional advertising pathways. The coworking ethos centers around positive social interactions and a communal spirit, with venues specifically designed to cultivate a supportive community beneficial for startups and businesses looking for encouragement and partnership. Networking in these spaces is not incidental — it’s an integral aspect that can spark new client relationships, create consulting ventures, and encourage joint projects, all of which are essential contributors to business growth and innovation. Additionally, the shared experience in coworking environments provides a fertile ground for bouncing ideas off fellow entrepreneurs, potentially igniting creativity and driving forward innovative solutions.

Networking events and workshops

Regularly scheduled workshops and networking events, such as the Vancouver Entrepreneur Meetup, are linchpins of the coworking experience. They’re crafted to galvanize connections among members and encourage the formation of a robust community of small business owners and entrepreneurs. The heart of these gatherings is to furnish members with a pedestal for networking and engagement with fellow local business operators, fostering a solidified network. These events strive to extend a collaborative platform for the exchange of ideas among aligned individuals, boosting both the personal and professional development of members. They’re pivotal in sculpting a supportive environment wherein one can not only work efficiently but also develop invaluable relationships and alliances through these curated experiences.

Social and community events

The social tapestry of coworking spaces is weaved through a variety of social events, including thematic talk series like Healthy Eating for Busy People or the more brainstorm-focused Lighting Talks. Through such events, coworking communities like The Hub South Shore surge with life and camaraderie — ideal for mingling with others and sharing ideas. These events are a testament to the commitment of coworking managers who invest in the creation of a unique culture that enhances community engagement. From workshops to training seasons, these social fixtures are instrumental in fostering a sense of identity and belonging among coworkers. Such platforms not only serve professional ambitions but also cater to the social aspect, nurturing a community awash with support, friendship, and professional camaraderie.

Access to a diverse range of professionals and industries

Diversity is at the core of the coworking concept, wherein professionals from assorted industries come together under one roof. This multifaceted environment nurtures an atmosphere ripe for interaction and cooperative ventures. Coworking spaces host a myriad of individuals including freelancers, startups, and small to medium-sized businesses, who work on diverse projects yet thrive in a non-competitive collaborative milieu. Utilizing these shared spaces paves the way to forging bonds with professionals across various sectors, from tech to finance-tech, thereby expanding networks and opening doors to new possibilities. Coworking spaces in Canada not only encourage an interchange of skills and knowledge but also serve as incubators for cross-industry innovation and partnerships, thereby contributing to a vibrant and diverse business ecosystem.

Supportive and collaborative environment

A cornerstone of the coworking philosophy is the nurturing environment that supports collaboration and growth. Spaces like Cospace and The Yard are primed for cooperative activities, ranging from conducting website beta tests to exchanging constructive feedback before product launches. Programs like the Cospaces BUILD initiative provide structured guidance to help transform business ideas into successful enterprises through mentorship and teamwork. Toronto’s WorkHaus and Ohio’s Vision 21 exemplify the shared dedication to networking and collaboration, where cohorts of members form mini mastermind groups to offer creative solutions and unwavering support. Furthermore, hubs like District Ventures in Calgary emphasize the importance of mentorship and networking events, fostering a community where innovators and startups can flourish amidst a complimentary congregation of thinkers and creators.

The Workup Coworking Space Canada

Pricing and affordability

Coworking spaces in Canada offer entrepreneurs and business owners a cost-effective alternative to the expenses associated with traditional office leasing. By providing a variety of membership options tailored to different professional needs, these hubs cater to both established businesses with secure funding and solo entrepreneurs who are just starting out. Crucially, coworking spaces simplify financial planning for startups and independent contractors by including essential overhead costs — such as furniture, high-speed internet, utilities, and maintenance fees — in a single monthly rate, preventing hidden costs and offering greater transparency.

In addition, coworking memberships come with flexible agreements detailing the terms of space usage and the amenities included, allowing for clear expectations and minimizing the risk of unforeseen expenditures. With the added advantage of avoiding long-term leases and service charges, these spaces are attractive options for individuals and businesses seeking the professionalism of an office environment without the financial burden. This affordability is particularly beneficial for digital nomads or remote workers who require a focused workspace for short periods, granting them access to professional amenities and vital networking opportunities without the commitment of a traditional office space.

One significant benefit is the all-inclusive nature of many coworking spaces. They frequently provide access to key business tools and infrastructure that can be especially valuable for larger companies in need of data management solutions. This enables businesses to operate efficiently without the need to invest in their own costly infrastructure, thereby reducing capital expenditure and allowing funds to be allocated to core business activities.

Membership fees and plans

Coworking space membership plans are designed with flexibility in mind, accommodating the varied demands of entrepreneurs and freelancers. Members have options that span dedicated desks for individuals who prefer consistency, shared hot desks for those requiring more flexibility, and private offices for monthly use that offer a more secluded space for concentrated work.

The fee structures in place can often cater to different budgets and working patterns, allowing for daily or monthly passes and memberships. For example, rates at some spaces might offer part-time access for as little as $90 to $160 per month, dependent on the frequency of usage. For those in need of a consistent spot within the coworking environment, a dedicated desk might cost around $191 per month. Open office plans, providing a balance between cost and privacy, could be priced at about $382 per month. On the higher end, closed office spaces offer complete privacy, with prices ranging from $496 to $524 monthly, with the variation typically reflecting differences in size and location.

Additional costs (parking, storage)

While coworking spaces typically include many services within their core pricing, there are instances where additional fees may apply, particularly for premium amenities. High-end coworking locales situated in Class A buildings may feature supplementary comforts like parking, on-site security, cafés, and gyms, which could contribute to a higher overall cost.

Costs can also vary based on the specific needs of members — those opting for reserved seating or private offices might incur higher fees than those selecting a hot desk. Additional membership perks such as mail handling, secure bike storage, showers, as well as access to workshops and educational events, might come with separate charges or be included in a premium membership package. Other services that can affect membership rates include 24-hour access, usage of conference rooms, support from an on-site receptionist, and lifestyle amenities like gourmet coffee or healthy snacks.

When considering a coworking space, it’s imperative for entrepreneurs to weigh these potential extra costs against the value of the amenities to their business operations, ensuring they are subscribing to a plan that reflects their specific needs and budget.



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