Silicon Toxicity: Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg’s Cage Fight

rahul bhattacharya
7 min readAug 8, 2023


Toxic masculinity within Silicon Valley has implications beyond individual interactions; it influences policies, hiring practices, and workplace dynamics. This macho ethos undermines efforts to create a diverse and inclusive workforce by perpetuating an environment that alienates women, perpetuates gender stereotypes, and stifles the contributions of those who do not conform to the narrow standards of traditional masculinity. To address these challenges, a concerted effort is required from industry leaders, policymakers, and individuals within the tech community. Recognizing the harmful impact of toxic masculinity and actively challenging these norms is the first step.

Silicon Valley, the epicentre of technological innovation, is renowned for its fierce competition and relentless pursuit of success. However, this pursuit has given rise to a culture that intertwines competition with toxic masculinity, perpetuating harmful gender norms and reinforcing the role of machismo in the tech industry. This essay delves into the complex relationship between competition and toxic masculinity in Silicon Valley, exploring the prevalence of machismo and how the recent cage fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg further exacerbates toxic masculinity within the tech community.

The media’s portrayal of tech billionaires as powerful and influential individuals who can control the public narrative has contributed to the public’s interest in a physical fight between them. The cage fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg serves as a stark representation of the toxic masculinity embedded in Silicon Valley culture. This spectacle raises important questions about its influence on diversity and inclusion efforts within the tech industry. The celebration of aggressive behaviour and the emphasis on physical prowess risks reinforcing outdated gender stereotypes, hindering progress towards achieving gender equality, and creating an unwelcoming environment for underrepresented groups.

Toxic Masculinity in the Silicon Valley

As the cage fight unfolds, it becomes crucial to critically analyze its potential consequences on the tech community’s collective mindset and its impact on future generations of aspiring technologists. Examining this event through the lens of toxic masculinity aims to spark discussions and foster an understanding of the cultural norms and values underpinning Silicon Valley’s tech ecosystem. Ultimately, it emphasizes the urgency of promoting a more inclusive and empathetic culture that embraces diversity and challenges harmful gender norms to build a more robust, more equitable tech industry for all.

We need to pause and note the prevalence of toxic masculinity in Silicon Valley culture. Following are cursory examples of its manifestations within the tech industry.

Workplace Culture: The tech industry’s intense work culture often glorifies long hours, the pursuit of success at any cost, and a “sink or swim” mentality. This can create a hostile work environment, where displaying vulnerability or seeking work-life balance is discouraged.

Lack of Diversity and Inclusion: Toxic masculinity can deter women and underrepresented groups from pursuing careers in tech due to the fear of discrimination and exclusion. The resulting lack of diversity hinders innovation and contributes to a homogenous perspective in product development.

“Bro” Culture: The prevalence of “bro” culture in some tech companies promotes a hyper-masculine environment, where sexist jokes, inappropriate behaviour, and exclusionary practices are tolerated, further marginalizing non-male employees.

Toxic masculinity is a prevalent issue in Silicon Valley culture, evident in the tech industry’s intense work environment, lack of diversity, and “bro” culture. Its negative impact on individuals includes mental health struggles and impaired relationships, while on a broader scale, it reinforces gender stereotypes and hinders societal progress towards gender equality. Recognizing and addressing toxic masculinity in the tech industry is crucial for creating a more inclusive, innovative, and empathetic work environment that benefits both individuals and society as a whole.

The Role of Machismo in the Tech Industry

Machismo, a cultural construct emphasizing male dominance and virility, plays a significant role in shaping the tech industry’s culture. From leadership positions to startup culture, the pressure to conform to stereotypical male behaviour leads to the underrepresentation of women and the marginalization of diverse voices. This perpetuates a male-centric work environment, where assertiveness is often valued over emotional intelligence and teamwork.

In the fiercely competitive landscape of Silicon Valley, the drive to succeed is often fueled by the prevailing belief that one must display dominance, assertiveness, and emotional stoicism to succeed can create a hostile work environment that sidelines empathy, collaboration, and inclusivity. This confluence not only stifles diversity but also reinforces traditional gender roles and stereotypes. The emphasis on aggressive competition may dissuade individuals who do not conform to traditional gender norms from pursuing careers in technology. Moreover, this discourages open communication and collaboration, impeding innovation and progress in the field.

The celebration of aggression and physical confrontation in the tech industry perpetuates a hostile work environment for women. Toxic masculinity often results in microaggressions, harassment, and exclusionary behaviours, making it difficult for women to thrive in such settings. The cage fight event sends a negative message that the industry values aggressive and assertive behaviour over empathy, collaboration, and inclusive leadership.

Machismo-inspired suppression of emotions and vulnerability can negatively impact mental health in the tech industry. The pressure to maintain a tough exterior can lead to burnout, stress, and a lack of emotional support in the workplace. The cage fight event further perpetuates this culture of emotional suppression and dismisses the significance of mental health, ultimately hindering overall well-being.

Impact on Young Female Engineers, Designers, and Entrepreneurs

The cage fight spectacle perpetuates gender biases by promoting a culture of physical dominance and aggression. This reinforces stereotypes that assert that men are inherently more assertive and capable leaders, while women are not suited for leadership roles. Young female engineers, designers, and entrepreneurs may internalize these stereotypes, leading to a lack of self-confidence and discouragement from pursuing ambitious career paths within the tech industry. As women encounter barriers to advancement, such as implicit bias and gender-based discrimination, they are less likely to pursue careers in tech or venture into entrepreneurial endeavours.

The celebration of aggression and physical confrontation in the tech industry perpetuates a hostile work environment for women. Toxic masculinity often results in microaggressions, harassment, and exclusionary behaviours, making it difficult for women to thrive in such settings. The cage fight event sends a negative message that the industry values aggressive and assertive behaviour over empathy, collaboration, and inclusive leadership.

Call to action

Instead of celebrating dominance and aggression, the tech industry can promote empathy and emotional intelligence as valuable traits. Encouraging leaders to listen to and understand the needs and concerns of their team members fosters a culture of mutual respect. The tech industry can shift its emphasis from cutthroat competition to collaborative efforts. Encouraging interdisciplinary teamwork and knowledge sharing not only accelerates innovation but also builds a sense of community. In this complex terrain, I feel the following steps will chart a way forward.

Inclusivity and Diverse Leadership: Embracing a more inclusive culture involves valuing diverse perspectives and providing equal opportunities for all individuals to contribute and lead. A diverse leadership team can challenge traditional norms, break down stereotypes, and create a culture that empowers everyone to thrive.

Mentorship and Skill Development: Instead of glorifying aggressive competition, the tech industry can prioritize mentorship and skill development. Establishing mentorship programs and workshops can provide newcomers, especially women and underrepresented groups, with the guidance and support needed to navigate the industry successfully.

Celebrating Soft Skills: Soft skills such as effective communication, adaptability, and empathy are just as essential as technical expertise. By celebrating and recognizing these skills, the industry can redefine success and promote a more balanced view of masculinity that values emotional intelligence.

In Conclusion

Embracing a more inclusive and diverse culture that values empathy, collaboration, and respect is not only essential for the well-being of all individuals within the industry but is also crucial for the advancement of technology and the betterment of society as a whole.

The spectacle of a cage fight between prominent figures like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg sends a troubling message that reverberates far beyond the ring. It serves as a stark reminder of the deeply ingrained norms of aggressive competition, dominance, and bravado that have become synonymous with success in the tech industry. This event reflects a broader culture in Silicon Valley that often sidelines empathy, collaboration, and inclusivity in favour of a narrow and harmful definition of masculinity. The glorification of physical combat as a form of entertainment not only marginalizes women and other underrepresented groups but also perpetuates an exclusionary environment that hinders innovation and stifles diverse perspectives.

Toxic masculinity within Silicon Valley has implications beyond individual interactions; it influences policies, hiring practices, and workplace dynamics. This macho ethos undermines efforts to create a diverse and inclusive workforce by perpetuating an environment that alienates women, perpetuates gender stereotypes, and stifles the contributions of those who do not conform to the narrow standards of traditional masculinity. To address these challenges, a concerted effort is required from industry leaders, policymakers, and individuals within the tech community. Recognizing the harmful impact of toxic masculinity and actively challenging these norms is the first step. Embracing a more inclusive and diverse culture that values empathy, collaboration, and respect is not only essential for the well-being of all individuals within the industry but is also crucial for the advancement of technology and the betterment of society as a whole.



rahul bhattacharya

Integrated Design educator - Experience Designer - Art Historian. Interaction Design enthusiast : UX design mentor