Amazon Spark is the new Destination of Social Shoppers

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5 min readJul 23, 2017


Amazon Spark is the new Destination for Social Shoppers

Amazon Trying to Spark In The World Of Social Network

who really are Social Shoppers..??

Social Shoppers are the people who buy or shop from Social Sites like Facebook, Instagram or any other.

They are attracted towards a product by exploring it, Reviewing it, Discovering it…!!

Social Shoppers are the Gen Z which shops smartly, for them the product price is not only the matter of concern, but product quality and quantity is main.

E-Commerce Giant and World №2 shopping destination of the world after Walmart. Amazon Which has its headquarter in Seattle has 12.5$ Billion Dollar has something Bigger and Better.

This Multi Billionaire E-Commerce Giant Amazon on this Tuesday has unveils its own Shopping Social Network and named It as Amazon Spark.

Amazon Spark

Amazon Spark is only available for the Amazon Prime users in the US and only available for IOS users and it has planned for Android users too

Only those who have Amazon Prime members can use Amazon Spark features,

and it is unclear if Amazon plans to allow all shoppers to post, or keep it as a perk for Prime subscribers only.

Amazon Spark is a complete social and personalized product discovery platform within Amazon’s Mobile app:

  • Users have to select at least of five “interests” to personalize their Spark feed,
  • with the interesting options like “fashion, ” as well as subjects like “dogs” and “BBQ” and much more.
  • Amazon Spark features Product Images that users might expect to find on Instagram,
  • but the Spark feed is completely shopping friendly.
  • Users can click on a shopping bag icon to view and buy the products through Amazon and those who post or comment on Spark are “Enthusiasts” and they will earn badges for a product they post about.
  • Users can also follow other Enthusiasts to see the posts and products they share.
  • Amazon Spark is for young people and it is likely finding for young consumers’ interest in shopping via social media

This e-commerce giant is now the first ever site, where US consumers can browse whenever they planned their shopping.

But all these interesting trends might shift as younger generations gets older and

it has found in a report that more than 80% of Gen Z Online consumers, and 74% of millennials, has accepted the fact that social media influences their online shopping.

Amazon Spark is a complete solution for those who desire to shop via social channels, and it could be a powerful & effective way for Amazon to hook up these online buyers as their spending power increases.

The Amazon Spark can attract influencer’s, and young online buyers may follow them.

“It’s to learn more, to sell more and to connect with customers,” said Gartner’s retail research director, Bob Hetu

Amazon Spark

By adding interesting social features into Amazon already built-out e-commerce platform, and now Amazon Spark will definitely boast higher conversions rates,

the making of the platform more attractive to branded products. which, can also help them to influence social media-focused Gen Z.

Amazon is very much popular among every age group, but Gen Z is still developing loyalty towards brick-and-mortar stores.

Amazon Spark could play a vital role in developing their interest in social media and could lock them into Amazon.

Also, Amazon may use Spark to do some valuable lead generation on this new social media shopping platform completely made for Gen Z by improving its recommendations system and other major algorithms.

The Amazon Spark is very much similar to your Instagram feed, and you will feel the same scrolling functionality.

Except, in this case, everything is set up and you can click on a product image and buy items much easier.

IOS Version of the Amazon Spark is a bit beta for now — you have to be in the US and Spark only shows up for Amazon Prime members.

Amazon Spark

How To Use Amazon Spark — A Complete Guide

  1. To use Amazon Spark beta version, first of all, go to the “programs and features” section on the app’s menu bar. This amazing tool will first ask you to select at least your shopping five interests.
  2. Once you do, you’ll see an Instagram/Pinterest-like feed of Product photo or you can call it as posts bearing shopping-bag icons that describe how many pictured items — your interest related products — you can buy on
  3. You can Find, Follow and Share your Interest and Product with your Loved Ones.
  4. Are you an Solo Traveler? Or a Cooking Addict? You can help other people by sharing your experience and can also convince them to buy your items.
  5. Also, You can get the best Advice or Suggestions before buying anything, give your feedback and get some great Product Guides or How to use Guides.
  6. Your Shopping history will not be visible to Public or not even to the people who follow your account, But your profile will show all the customer review which you had ever given for any product.
  7. It’s a Highly Secured Social Platform where you can Discover, Share, Buy and Review and much more.

In the Conclusion, we say that it’s a feature for Everyone, Everything, Everywhere..!
Also, Explore this Beautiful and Recently Born Feature by Amazon..!!
Amazon Is trying very hard to give a tough competition to its new competitors like Instagram and Pinterest and they have totally changed the way of exploring products…!!
We are very much excited about its Android version and pretty much confident that it will be a game changer in the E-Commerce Industry..!!

Thank You for Exploring Amazon Spark by©

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