The Boston South Asian Coalition’s Statement on the Violence in Manipur, India

4 min readJun 16, 2023

We at the Boston South Asian Coalition are following the news about the violence in Manipur with utmost concern. The violence was catalyzed by the High Court of Manipur’s order released in April to submit a recommendation on including the Meiteis in the Scheduled Tribes (ST) list, and the Tribal solidarity rally held on May 3rd protesting it. The initial spark came from rumors about an attempt to burn a Kuki War memorial by Meiteis and a mob setting fire to Meitei settlements in Churachandpur. Yet, there are longer socio-historical forces at play that must be reckoned with, one of which is the hill-valley divide.

This crisis was also precipitated by the N. Biren Singh government’s “war on drugs” and the recent spate of evictions of Kukis amid charges that they were encroaching on forest areas in hill districts Kukis have traditionally called home. The establishment also accused the Kukis as solely responsible for increasing poppy cultivation in the hill districts, sparking ethnic tensions.

We at BSAC also condemn the rhetoric of the BJP-led government in Manipur framing Kuki-Zo tribes as “illegal” and “drug lords” as the Chin refugees (the Kuki’s ethnic kin) fled the conflict in Myanmar.

We locate these clashes in the colonial expansion over two centuries ago and the changing political economy of the region.There are increasing clashes over forest rights, boundaries and pressure on indigenous land practices and livelihoods. There has also been continued identity manipulation including through Brahminical imaginings and an attempt at re-imagining and re-writing history.

We also note the absence of a clear humane refugee policy in the context of the refugee crisis in Myanmar, the brunt of which will be borne by some communities and regions more than others.

Meanwhile, the government continues to open forests up to corporations and elites, including through the recently introduced Forest Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 2023 that seeks to convert forest land into non-forestry use and implement national security projects along 100 km of international borders, affecting most of Northeast India.

The Meiteis’ fear too mirrors long-standing concerns about the pressure on land and becoming vulnerable in their own homeland. We locate this conflict also in the historical marginalization and misgovernance of the Northeastern region by the colonial and now the neo-colonial state (both the Congress and the BJP) and the way that politics has played out in the region. Every community finds itself in the dilemma of making exclusive claims of recognition (of indigeneity, tribal status and autonomous homelands) to safeguard its interests.

It is regrettable that some parties (both in mainland India and revivalists in the region) are trying to frame this ethnic clash as a religious one, claiming that Christian tribals are attacking the Hindu Meiteis. The RSS’ long term project has also extended to creating divisions within the Meiteis on the basis of religion and otherization of the Meitei Pangals (Muslims). All this speaks to the success of the divisive politics of Hindutva Brahminical groups in the region.

We see with horror the reports of the deaths and displacement of thousands of people and the shoot-at-sight orders issued by the government of Manipur. As of June 14, the death toll is at 115 and over 50,000 have been displaced and living in camps. Kukis, including Kuki MLAs in the BJP, are calling for separation from Manipur and the immediate imposition of the President’s rule in the state

It is over a month since the conflict began, amidst an indefinite internet ban, rendered more volatile by insurgent groups of all hues and hate speech rhetoric on social media. The violence has been exacerbated by the presence of vigilante armed groups like the Arambai Tenggol and Meitei Leepun. There are also allegations about the role of the police and the state government in aiding and abetting them. Meiteis too say that Kuki militants fired in violation of Suspension of Operations (SoO) pact.

There is a clear crisis of political faith in the N. Biren Singh-led BJP state government. The loss is of all communities and Manipur at large. The armed forces have had to be called in to mitigate the situation in a context where Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) is still normalized — a huge setback for communities that have spent decades protesting it.

In these tough times, we stand in solidarity with the victims and survivors of violence from all communities and call upon all parties to engage in dialogue. We want to focus on the rare but hopeful stories emerging from the region — Kuki women forming a human chain to protect Meitei people in Churachandpur from mobs and the care shown by Meitei folks to their Kuki friends in the Imphal valley.

We understand the lack of faith in the peace committee formed by the union government without due consultation. We stand by the indigenous women from the region who call for the establishment of a Northeast India Truth and Reconciliation Commission led by indigenous women to work towards reconciliation. We urge the state and the central governments to resume tripartite talks with insurgent groups and involve community elders, including women.

The BSAC recognizes that bringing in the army can only be a temporary measure and demands the repeal of AFSPA from Manipur and other conflict areas. We also urge both mainland and Manipur-based media houses to refrain from fanning the flames and to take utmost care in how they report.

We hope for peace, reconciliation and collective healing of all affected.

