Brendan Brown
1 min readNov 24, 2013

Quit waiting

Quit complaining

Quit not hugging

Quit not making

Quit wasting

Quit not creating

Quit not giving more than you’re taking

Quit fake

Quit stress

Quit seeming unimpressed

Quit “I’ve got it figured out”

Quit, “I’ve got it all together”

Quit, “I’ve never had a doubt.”

Quit saying yes when you mean no.

Quit not knowing what you know.

Quit not saying, “I love you”

Quit not loving what you do

Quit working for people you don’t like

Quit pretending you’re alright

Quit not crying

Quit not trying

Quit pretending you won’t be dying.

Quit looking down with stars overhead.

Quit not writing or calling your friends.

Quit taking things for granted

Quit fake laughing

Quit disenchanted

Quit ignoring what you love

Quit holding on to what must be let go of

Quit status

Quit not chasing

Quit tomorrow

Quit complacent

Quit letting life go by

Quit forgetting you’re alive

Quit closed eyes

Quit getting by

Quit procrastination

Quit “just fine”

Quit missing right now, because right now is the time of your life

and it’s crazy and ruthless and heart-breaking and heavy and beautiful and real and fleeting and radiant and impossibly impossible to comprehend and yours, all yours

Quit not quitting, life’s in the waiting.



Brendan Brown

Fascinations focused on experience strategy, design, and human beings.